Is it possible to dye your hair if it is falling out, splitting and looking unhealthy? Is it possible to dye your hair and what is the best way to do it? Do you need to dye your hair before dyeing it?

Sorry, but dye manufacturers don’t know what kind of hair you have: fine, porous or hard and “glassy.” The result of dyeing depends not only on your natural color, but also on the condition of your hair, previous dyeing and other factors. Use the shade chart, which is usually on the back of the box, to get an idea of ​​what the color will look like on your hair. But don’t rely on it completely either!

Mistake #2: You don't do a color test

Yes, it’s a shame to spend money on a whole package, use only a few drops of paint, and throw away the rest. But the hair is a pity! If you paint everything at once and get a radical black color with a green tint instead of the promised golden walnut, the correction will obviously cost more. Choose a small curl from the side of the neck and check on it what the result will be.

Mistake #3: You don't do an allergy test

Without exception, all manufacturers ask you to first test the reaction to the paint on a small area of ​​skin. But of course you rely on luck. In vain! An allergy to dye can manifest itself in the forms of irritation, itching, inflammation and even hair loss! So, at the same time as testing on a small strand, check the skin’s reaction to the dye. The area should be chosen on the back of the neck or behind the ear: the skin there is sensitive and the place is inconspicuous.

Mistake #4: You're not protecting your skin

You dyed your hair, and then spend three days scrubbing paint stains from your neck and ears? Before coloring, apply greasy cream or Vaseline to exposed areas of skin that may be affected. And no stains!


Mistake #5: You use hair conditioner before coloring.

The day before dyeing, it is better not to wash your hair at all. But if you really can’t go a day without washing your hair, don’t use conditioner: it closes small pores on the surface of the hair, and the dye will color the strands unevenly.

Mistake #6: You don’t wash off the styling

Yes, you shouldn’t wash your hair immediately before dyeing, but don’t take this too literally: if the day before you did complex styling using foam, mousse, hairspray and gel, be sure to wash it off! Otherwise, coloring is simply pointless.

Mistake #7: You use hair dye on your eyebrows and eyelashes

Never paint your eyebrows or eyelashes with hair dye - your eyelashes may fall off! But this is not the worst thing: the paint can get into your eyes, which can have serious medical consequences for your vision. There are special professional paints for eyebrows and eyelashes, and coloring is recommended to be done in a salon.

Mistake #8: You leave the paint on longer than expected to make the color more intense

Under no circumstances should you leave the dye on your hair too long - this can seriously damage your hair. The dye, remaining on the hair longer than it should, damages the structure of the hair shaft to a greater or lesser extent, and the dye's action time is still limited: after 30 minutes (in some cases - 40, read the instructions) it simply stops working. You'll burn your hair, but the color won't get any better.

Mistake #9: You wash your colored hair with anti-dandruff shampoos

Special anti-dandruff shampoos have the strongest cleansing properties. And they will simply wash away the artificial pigments! If you have a problem with dandruff, use special products labeled “for colored hair.”

Mistake #10: You dye your hair more than two shades darker or lighter than your natural shade.

Your hair color should be in harmony with your natural color type. If you want radical changes, go to the salon and consult with a colorist: he will select the optimal range (warm or cool), create the right mix of shades so that the hair tone is in harmony with the color of your skin and eyes, and will carry out the procedure safely and professionally. Home dyeing is not the answer in this case.

Mistake #11: You lighten your hair with a powerful oxidizer

Often, when they lighten their hair at home, girls buy a professional 9-12 percent oxidizer and sit with the applied solution for up to an hour! This is very harmful. A skin burn can cause a severe allergic reaction - so that even more gentle dyes will cause allergies in the future. And the hair turns into tow. Moreover, the color always turns out yellow. And then... ash paint is applied on top!!! And it necessarily contains a blue pigment, which, in combination with yellow, produces a clear greenish tint. We hope all this is not about you.

Mistake #12: You don't paint your roots

Keep in mind: the ends of the hair are more porous, and the roots are denser, so if you immediately apply the dye to the entire length, you will get the effect of regrown hair, when the shade seems to be the same, but the roots look lighter.

Mistake #13: The ends of your hair are too dark

The opposite effect of the previous point: when hair color is applied to the entire head at once, not only do the roots turn out too bright, but the ends usually turn out darker than you intended. Moreover, this is a cumulative phenomenon: with each subsequent coloring, the ends will become darker and darker. Always apply the dye first to the roots over the entire surface of the head, and only then distribute it to the ends.

Mistake #14: You dye your hair unevenly

Well, you don’t have eyes in the back of your head, no! If you don't have a boy's haircut, ask a friend to help you.

Mistake #15: You apply dye to wet hair

And some of the pigments immediately flow down onto your shoulders. Permanent dyes are applied only to dry strands, and, remember, unwashed for about a day.

Mistake #16: You wash your hair the day after coloring

After dyeing your hair, you should refrain from washing your hair for at least a day to allow the dye to set better. And also do not use hair styling products so that the aggressive components in their composition do not interfere with the absorption of paint pigments. Since the dye itself contains degreasing components, after dyeing your hair is clean and there is no problem waiting 24 hours.

Mistake #17: You leave the finished mixture to sit

After mixing the paint with the developer cream, you should immediately begin coloring. The fact is that chemical processes begin immediately after mixing the components, and if the prepared mixture is allowed to brew, the color may turn out dull.

Mistake #18: You dilute the dye with shampoo or conditioner

If, when dyeing your hair, it seems to you that there is not enough dye, do not dilute it with regular shampoo or conditioner! You will lose in quality. Try to use the mass sparingly, since you are sure that it will not be enough, and in the future, buy 2 packages instead of one. Life hack: with average hair thickness, you won’t be able to get by with just one bottle if your hair is longer than your shoulders.

Mistake #19: You use a metal comb

The metal oxidizes and reacts with the paint, affecting the paint result in unpredictable ways. Use neutral plastic, wooden or ceramic combs.

Mistake #20: You paint yourself blue (green, red, purple) for fun.

Scientists have found that radical hair coloring can lead to serious skin diseases. Crimson, violet, green, bright red and blue colors are especially dangerous: these paints contain the substance para-phenylenediamine, which causes inflammation of the skin.

When I think about whether I should dye my hair, I remember my youth. Like most girls, I was never happy with my appearance and changed my hair color literally every other day. So, at least, it seemed to others. From a redhead I turned into a blonde, and then into a brunette. When I was nineteen years old, I starred in the film “The Happiness of Being a Woman” with Charles Boyer and Marcello Mastroianni. During filming, I often dyed my hair. At the beginning of the film I was a brunette, at the end - a blonde. Fortunately, the film was shown on screens in in black and white, and no one noticed anything! I was often forced to recolor myself by professional obligations. So, in 1954, in the film “Woman from the River,” my hair was the color of a raven wing, and a few weeks later for the film “The Blown Beast” it became golden. It seems to me that they know all the colors of the rainbow.

Now it looks like the extravagance of youth, and yet the incessant experiments of that time are full of charm. Now my hair is a little lighter than its natural color, the light shade enlivens my face, which I am very pleased with. When I live in Paris, I get my makeup done by Alexander, other times I do it myself. If you have dark hair and want to make it lighter, I advise you to use light brown and reddish dyes, since simply bleached hair looks unnatural and rough.

Before you decide to change your color, think it through carefully. There are many harmless and gentle ways to do this, but the new dye changes the structure of the hair and you will have to care for it differently. It is very important to be sure that a different color will suit you. Turning into a blonde from a brunette is a very common mistake. Such a drastic change in hair color does not in any way match the natural complexion. For the same reason, if a blonde with very pale skin turns dark, it will be immediately noticeable how strange she looks. It is very difficult to identify patterns because each woman's skin and hair tones are individual. If you are determined to dye your hair, I strongly recommend that you consult a specialist. There is another way - try on wigs in a store and see what suits you best. Don't pay attention to the hairstyle, just figure out how a particular shade matches your skin.

Perm is another radical means of changing your hairstyle. I have met many women who looked wonderful with permanent hair. My own experience, however, was not so successful. Two years ago, a hairdresser convinced me to have chemistry done.

After looking at photos of women with seductive curls on their heads, I decided that this is exactly what my thin hair needed. I had no idea that after “chemo” my hair would require much more care, and the ends would become dry and brittle. I had to learn new styling and care techniques. Instead of a hairstyle, some kind of monster appeared that had to be groomed and appeased, otherwise it wouldn’t obey What a huge relief I felt when my hair grew back. It’s unlikely that I will decide to repeat the perm in the future. I gave this example not to dissuade you from curling, but to warn you - be prepared for such a situation if you do decide. for permanent

Your hairdresser

The time and effort spent on finding a good master is worth it; the stakes are too high. You can find an ordinary hairdresser without any pretensions, where they will be happy to do your hair at a time convenient for you and you will be satisfied with the result. Don’t be fooled by the possibilities of fashion salons, you just need to clearly know what you want. My hairdresser lives in Paris, his name is Alexander, and I love the way he treats my hair.

If you find a good hairdresser you want to go to, it's a good idea to consult with him first. Find out in advance whether you understand each other. When you are already sitting in a chair, it is easier to be tempted by any, even the most revolutionary proposal. Try not to get carried away and think wisely about all the features of your new hairstyle.

If you are ready for something new, ask the master a few important questions. Is it difficult to keep your hair neatly styled? Do you need to do them every evening? If so, how do you fit this into your schedule? Will you be able to make it yourself at home?

I admit that I don't enjoy spending time at the hairdresser. I don't like the atmosphere there, although some women prefer to relax there. I prefer to do this at home. Hair styling shouldn't turn you into a salon slave. It is very important for me to be able to put my head in order myself.

Every day, when I get out of bed, I carefully comb my hair with a brush. Before I roll them into curlers, I lightly moisten the ends of the strands with wet fingers and then spray them with eau de toilette. This saves time and gives your hair a pleasant smell. At the same time, the alcohol contained in perfumes helps dry curled hair faster. While I'm doing my makeup and getting dressed, my hair is completely dry and ready to be combed.

Thanks to this quick and simple procedure, they lie in natural waves. I don't like hairstyles that are stiff with hairspray and look like a hard helmet. I feel very comfortable doing my own hair. And it turns out great, I even dare to praise myself. Of course, there are days when I stay at home with the kids or go out wearing a hat. Then I don't do anything to my head, just comb my hair from time to time. I believe that such simple hair care is Alexander’s merit - my haircut is quite good and helps me out in all cases of life.

Creating a stylish and trendy look is not complete without hair coloring. Women approach this issue with great responsibility, because if you break the technology, the long-awaited result will not work.

Dyeing your hair is not as easy as you think
Professional hair coloring products come in a wide range of colors, and each woman chooses a color to suit her lifestyle, mood and season. After dyeing with permanent dyes, the shade stays on the hair for a long time, and its owner feels attractive and fashionable.

Hairdressing masters recommend performing complete beauty, where all the subtleties of the process will be observed, and the master will put into practice the tricks known to him and everyone will be satisfied with the result. However, if we are talking about maintaining tone or coloring the roots, then this procedure can be performed in the comfort of your home. Making such a decision, a woman is at a crossroads: should she dye her hair clean or is it better to refrain from washing it for several days?

You need to decide whether or not to wash your hair before dyeing your hair.

The recommendations of the masters boil down to the fact that you need to adhere to the instructions, but not all manufacturers indicate which curls are best to apply paint to. Therefore, the choice depends only on the amount of knowledge available in this area.

When and why do you dye dirty hair?

99% of women have remembered a simple truth from a young age - they dye their hair when their hair is dirty, because this way it is least likely to be damaged.

Note! If you are going to undergo a bleaching procedure, and the paints from this series are highly aggressive, in this case it is better to refrain from washing your hair for at least two days, this will allow the skin to release a sufficient amount of a protective fat layer.

Almost all permanent dyes contain ammonia. This substance is irritating to the scalp and can cause dandruff. If the curls are clean, the woman will certainly feel a burning and itching sensation. Sometimes they are so strong that it is impossible to withstand the dye for the required amount of time. This is why you cannot dye clean hair.

As for the final color, the result here depends not on the application of the substance to clean or dirty hair, but on the quality of the dye and the exposure time

Subtleties of the professional dyeing process

  • If you have never used dyes from a particular brand before and decide to try a new product, in this case, do the dyeing only on your hair that has not been washed for several days, even if the instructions contain recommendations that the substance should be applied to clean hair. Often, after such assurances, a woman notices that her curls are severely damaged;
  • To objectively assess the quality of coloring and the level of damage to curls, you do not need to use the balm and rinse included in the kit. Manufacturers came up with this trick, and the secret is that after washing your hair and applying balm, it becomes covered with a film and shines, like after lamination;
  • wash off the paint only with warm water and shampoo.

If you dye clean curls, you need to be prepared that after washing and drying they will lose most of the water they contain and become brittle. If you want to wear a new color for a long time, it is better that you have dry rather than wet hair.

Don't ruin the health of your hair

Dyes that can be used to dye clean hair: henna and others

The innovative development of the beauty industry daily brings a series of gentle paints to the market. They do not harm the hair, the color is rich and healthy. If you have chosen just such a substance for coloring, then the question of whether or not to wash your hair disappears by itself. If there is no ammonia, then there is no harm.

The most famous gentle dyes are henna and basma, which are applied to clean and dry hair. They contain natural ingredients, so they do not damage the hair structure or dry out the scalp. There is a little trick: if you lightly moisten your hair with a spray bottle before dyeing, the resulting color will be more saturated.

Advice! When you color, you need to perform this procedure so that only the curls are cleaned and the scalp is not involved in the process.

Natural ingredients are harmless; on the contrary, they nourish and saturate them. The effect can be improved by using additional essential oils: ylang-ylang or jojoba.

There are dyes that can be used to dye your hair clean

Subtleties of the dyeing process

  • hair must be dyed clean so that henna and basma penetrate well between the scales and give off their coloring properties;
  • before dyeing, remember if you have applied a balm or mask, they create a protective impenetrable film and the dye will not be able to penetrate deep into the hair;
  • if you have dirty curls, you need to first wash them with shampoo based on natural ingredients.

10 rules for high-quality hair coloring: do's and don'ts

In beauty salons you don’t need to worry about the technology of the coloring process, but if you decide at home, then you need to have 100% confidence that you can handle it. Then the result will be unsurpassed, and you will want to repeat the procedure again.


When choosing a paint, it is important to find a shade that will match your skin color.

So, in order to be pleased with the result, you need to:

  1. Keep in mind that the shade presented on the palette or packaging will differ up or down as a result;
  2. Be sure to perform an allergy test, even if you have already used this paint many times, because the batch could easily turn out to be defective;
  3. Preliminarily evaluate the result and shade by test dyeing 1-2 strands behind the neck;
  4. During the dyeing process, be sure to apply a rich cream to the skin near the hairline and cover your shoulders with a towel;
  5. Refrain from using conditioners and masks before painting;
  6. Apply dye to dry hair;
  7. Apply ammonia dye only to unwashed hair;
  8. Keep the paint on for as long as indicated in the instructions, otherwise the color will be dull;
  9. Refrain from washing your hair with anti-dandruff shampoos;
  10. Dye your hair no more than 1 – 2 shades darker and lighter than your natural color.
It’s better not to change the color dramatically right away, everything should be done gradually

By following these rules, there will be no difficulties in the dyeing process, and the result will be unsurpassed.

Many women strive so much to be beautiful and well-groomed that very often this desire leads to sad results. For example, in two weeks, dyed hair becomes a little thinner, and some ladies are already in a hurry to paint over this imperfection, without thinking about the fact that they can harm their hair. Let's find out together how often you can dye your hair without harming your health and what methods of dyeing there are with minimal harmful effects.

How often can you dye your hair?

Each hair dye has its own characteristics, which determine the frequency of dyeing, one of the main ones is the presence of aggressive components in the composition(ammonia and hydrogen peroxide). The fewer of these components, the faster the dye will be washed out of the hair.

How often can you dye your hair with basma and henna?

Basma and are natural dyes that are completely do not have any harmful effects on the hair. On the contrary, these dyes strengthen the hair roots, restore their structure and give a beautiful shine. You can use them as often as the regrown roots require.

How often can you dye your hair with Loreal ammonia-free hair dye?

Ammonia-free paints, such as Loreal (Loreal), do not contain aggressive components, therefore, they have a gentle effect on hair when dyeing. This affects the color fastness, so after a month, maximum one and a half, there is a need for re-coloring.

How often can you dye your hair with tonic, tinted shampoo or conditioner?

Tinted shampoos, balms and tonics, although they contain a minimal amount of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide, still have little harmful effect on hair. With moderate use, once every 10 days, this harm can be minimized.

How often can you dye gray hair?

For dyeing, you need very durable dyes that penetrate deep into the hair. Only durable ammonia paints have this effect, which disrupt the hair structure and can lead to hair loss. To increase the time gap between dyeing to two months, you can use natural dyes. They will give only a short-term effect, but will help restore hair and strengthen it.

How often can you dye your hair with Garnier dye?

Permanent paints, such as Garnier (Garnier), due to the presence of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide as the main ingredients, provide durable long-term coloring for up to two months, but significantly damage hair. After dyeing, they require long-term recovery and nutrition.

How to beautifully dye your hair in two colors

Using two complementary shades, you can achieve vertical hair coloring.

A very fashionable and popular trend among young people is dyeing hair with two colors, which allows you to be so different at the same time.

It looks very impressive and has been at the top of its popularity for several years. Only the ends of the hair are dyed, and this allows corrections to be made once every three or four months.

Two-tone screen dyeing for a bob haircut

An extravagant and very effective ombre look using two colors for coloring. As your hair grows back, you only need to touch up the roots.

Two-tone contrast coloring for short hair

A bright and effective way to highlight the structure of a short haircut. When hair grows back It will be enough to just tint the roots in a light tone, which will delay complete staining for at least another month.

Two-tone bright hair coloring for a short haircut

With this method of coloring, frequent corrections cannot be avoided. The roots that have grown in a month will stand out very much against the background of bright colors. An alternative would be to dye short hair with henna. This will hide the roots and strengthen the hair. The roots of long hair will have to be tinted at least once every month and a half.

Two-tone dyeing of short hair with strands

Accent strands allow you to emphasize the shape of the haircut, add zest and individuality to the image, while at the same time they do not require correction at all and do not harm the hair.

Two-tone coloring for short blonde hair

Two-tone dyeing in this case means completely dyeing the hair using two colors, but with the dark shade matching the natural hair color It will be possible to tint your hair roots less often. This will smooth out the harmful effects of lightening dyes and allow the hair to recover during this period.

Two-tone hair coloring for medium length hair

A dark top and a light bottom (or vice versa) allows you to make a correction of only one color once every month and a half.

What rules should be followed in order not to harm the body?

In pursuit of style and fashion, most modern women often dye their strands one color or another. But how safe is it to frequently change your hairstyle? How do different dyes affect the structure of our strands? Let's look at the other side of the coin together!

Types of dyes for strands

How often can you dye your hair? The answer to this question depends on many factors, including the type of dye. Nowadays there are many different products in stores. And each of them has its own “frequency”.

Hair dye

Paints are divided into durable and non-resistant (soft). In the first type of dyes you will not find ammonia, and there will be very little hydrogen peroxide in them. The advantage of ammonia-free dyes is a rich and bright color that can be obtained without harming the hair. Ammonia-free paints are often used by those who only want to emphasize their natural shade without radically changing it. The main disadvantage of these products is that their richness and brightness will disappear after three weeks. At the end of this period, the color can be safely updated!

Unlike gentle paints, you will find ammonia in permanent paints, and there will be much more peroxide in them. The conclusion suggests itself - permanent hair dyes greatly damage the hair, so they need time to fully recover.

When using permanent dye, remember a few rules that will protect the health of your hair:

  • The frequency of touch-up is no more than once every two months;
  • Do not overexpose the paint - this can cause burns, and the end result will not be at all the same as shown on the pack. As for the hair, it will become brittle and dull;
  • If you need to paint only the roots of your hair, use permanent dye, and distribute a tint product to match the length. It will refresh dull strands.

By the way, we recently published a list of ammonia-free paints -

Tinting products

All kinds of balms, tonics or shampoos are an excellent alternative to permanent hair dyes. But this does not mean that they can be used almost daily! Even gentle tint products contain hydrogen peroxide, although it is negligible. If you apply makeup with shampoo, tonic or conditioner only once every 10 days, there will be no harm. If you do this more often, the effect will be exactly the same as with regular paint.

Natural remedies

Natural henna and basma not only perfectly color, but also treat hair. They strengthen the roots, activate the growth of strands, increase volume and make hair dense. But it would be a big mistake to wear henna and basma often!

Excessive use of these natural dyes will make your hair hard, because henna will clog all the scales. If we are talking about the entire length, then the best option is once every two months. The roots can be painted more often.

Attention! If henna can be used without all kinds of components, then with basma it’s the opposite - it is mixed with henna, otherwise the color will be green.

Coloring techniques

Another important factor on which the frequency of dyeing strands depends. The fashionable options included several techniques. Let's look at each of them.

  1. Coloring and highlighting. These techniques involve applying dye to individual strands. The main part of the hair remains in its original color. It looks stylish and beautiful, and the growing roots remain invisible, because both highlighting and coloring do not emphasize the hairline. A repeat session can be performed no earlier than after 7 weeks. We are talking about correction when the coloring composition is applied only to the crown or parietal area, as well as around the parting.
  2. Balayage. With this method of dyeing, 3 or 4 colors are applied to the hair at once. The hair acquires a shade close to natural. You can also get the effect of burnt strands. The root zone is not affected during balayage, so a second session can be done after 6-10 weeks.

How to avoid frequent painting?

What should those girls do who don’t want to dye their hair too often? A few tricky tricks will also help you with this:

  • Use special products to protect the color - it will wash out less;
  • If possible, refuse bold experiments, and choose a tone that is close to your native one;
  • Do multi-toning - dyeing your hair in several tones at once will smooth out the transition;
  • If the roots have grown out and the color has noticeably faded, use a combination dye with ammonia-free hair dye or tonic;
  • Use sprays and conditioners more often;
  • Gradually replace ammonia paint with tint balm - it’s cheaper, more pleasant, and you can use it at home;
  • Don't wash your hair frequently two or three times a week;
  • Avoid chlorinated tap water - it is better to boil it;
  • To protect your hair from chlorine, which eats away the dye, do not forget to wear a cap in the bathhouse and pool.

Rules for safe coloring

Now you know how often you can dye your hair. But that is not all! Remember a few rules on which the health of your hair also depends.

  • Rule 1. Be sure to do an allergy test - read the instructions on the package.
  • Rule 2. A couple of days before dyeing, prepare your strands using masks or balms.
  • Rule 3. Choose only high-quality and proven products with nourishing ingredients and oils.
  • Rule 4. When deciding to change the color, trust the professionals. They have more experience and higher quality materials.
  • Rule 5. Do not apply makeup to clean hair. Wait 1-2 days after washing your hair so that the fat film can protect your hair from the harmful effects of the dye.
  • Rule 6. Strictly follow the time specified in the instructions.
  • Rule 7. When using paint with ammonia, try to use curlers and hair dryers less often. It’s also better to forget about perm.
  • Rule 8. Provide proper care to “damaged” hair. High-quality shampoo, conditioner, as well as masks and sprays will restore the structure of the strands and maintain the brightness of the color.


The condition of damaged and weakened strands after exposure to paint will only worsen. They will begin to break, split, or even fall out. First, you need to treat your hair, and only then start changing the shade.