A selection of beautiful and funny pictures with good morning wishes. The funniest pictures to cheer you up on Monday Good morning, beautiful and funny

Sun or rain, warmth or frost, wind or calm - any morning must always be good. Despite bad weather or bad mood. What needs to be done for this?

Drink a cup of delicious coffee or aromatic tea, maybe with a sandwich, smile at the new day and send a heartfelt good morning picture to a friend or girlfriend, or maybe just a new acquaintance or your mother. It’s so nice to give kindness to other people.

And somewhere there, on the other end of the city or even the country, and maybe the world, or very close - in the next house someone will see your cute or colorful postcard wishing you a great mood or a good day, with gentle and kind words, and maybe even with tea or coffee. And his soul will become warmer, despite the early rainy morning. So if you are looking for good morning images, our site will help you.

What if your significant other is far away? And you miss it. Download a romantic photo or gif for free from our website and wish a good week, a wonderful day and write: “cat!” You can attach a funny postcard with kittens to lift your spirits or choose a cartoon animation.

You'll see - your loved one will wake up in a good mood. In our collection you will find everything from sophisticated to cool.

You can also congratulate your colleagues on the start of the working week. You work side by side every day. Why not please them? Creative, interesting, unusual and original - good morning pictures will surely cheer you up at the beginning of the work week!

“Let it be a good day”, “Good morning, girls!”, “It’s time to get up!”, “Have a nice day in any weather”, “A good man a cup of coffee”, “Have a good day” - the choice is huge.

A nice plus is that all photos are in good quality. And the person will greet the new day with a smile, and his week will definitely be good.

Children also need our attention, especially older ones. You can’t just walk up to them and hug them – they’re shy, because they’re adults. These are little girls or boys who are still quite tame. Send a positive postcard to teenagers via Viber or WhatsApp, wish them a wonderful day or a sunny morning.

Young people now love both humorous and lively animations. Let them remember their parents and feel their warmth and attention. Surely one of them will definitely send back: “Have a wonderful day, dear mom!”, “Good morning!”, “Good morning”, “Cool card, mom. Have a nice day too".

And attach a stylish or touching photo. Perhaps with flowers or animals. Is it possible to be sad after such wonderful words? Life is Beautiful!

Do you want to give your loved ones a little bit of magic in the morning? Then download free shimmering or shiny cards from our website, there are some magical, moving, and even fairy-tale ones! And then please, surprise and give positive emotions. They will certainly like your words and congratulations, and maybe even your poems.

Sometimes it is difficult for some of us to make a decision or find a way out of a difficult situation. And here motivating pictures will help. Cheer up your girlfriend at dawn if she has a difficult day ahead. Send an animated emoticon with a greeting and the words “Everything will be fine” to your friends if they are waiting for a serious meeting. Such beautiful pictures with motivation will definitely help and instill confidence. And the day will definitely be successful, happy and bright.

All girls love flowers very much. Do you want to surprise your beloved? Send a bouquet in the morning. Of course, you can have a real one. But she will definitely like the image or GIF too. Better put it on your phone. And then she, having just woken up to the alarm clock, without having had time to drink a cup of tea or eat breakfast, will see your gift and will definitely smile.

After all, this is a nice gift in bed and positive for the whole day. You can add “Hello, Sunshine!” or “Good luck, darling!” You'll see, she'll be happy. And no cloudy morning can ruin her working day today. A great motivator for a successful day.

Of course, many pictures migrate from site to site. Surely many people are bored. Here you will find only new, fresh and the best. Many modern and meaningful, humorous and funny, for loved ones, friends and family, simply beautiful and with words, for Viber and WhatsApp. There is nature and animals, children and adults. And very different - big and small. Undoubtedly, new items will certainly surprise you, kind photos with inscriptions will amuse you, and awesome vintage ones that are very fashionable lately will even impress you!

Dear friends! Hochma congratulates you on the beginning of a new week! Let this Monday pass unnoticed, and the whole week be joyful and successful for you! Good morning, have a nice day, have a good week!

Monday is a hard day
That's what people say.
The weekend is over -
Of course, everyone is happy with them!
The week has begun, which means
It's time for everyone to get to work!
So we are looking again
Right from early morning!

Original, funny and beautiful wishes for good morning and good day in pictures

Have a nice day, good news and happy events. May fate on this day, and on all others, amuse and pamper you and be generous with pleasant gifts and unexpected sweet surprises. Let problems be easily solved, business be successful, the soul smiles, and the heart tirelessly rejoices in life.

Once again we wish everyone a good morning, a successful day and a good start to the week!

I wish you a good day,
May it turn out better than you expect!
You spend it with a cheerful smile,
After all, what goes around comes around.

May the day be pleasant, very easy,
And let time fly at work.
Luck is near, you can believe me
She's already in a hurry to get to you!

Wishes for good morning and good day in pictures

Good morning! May the day be clear
And the mood is just wonderful.
May awakening bring joy,
Without fuss, without worries and worries.
Let the dawn carry away the dull shadow,
Greet the new day with a happy smile.

Have a nice day
Light and warm,
Clear, fine...
Well, just good luck.

So that there is no sadness,
Gloomy mood
I send tender hugs,
Affectionately amorous.

And good luck
Let him accompany you in everything,
Bad luck is harmful
Let it be absent altogether.

When there are clouds in the sky
And the rain doesn't stop.
You know, it won't always be like this,
And the sun will appear!
Let there be many clouds in the sky -
Hold on and don't be shy!
A ray of sunshine will break through to you,
And everything will be okay!

Good morning has come!
Night has fallen to the edge of the earth.
Congratulations on the clear sky!
Congratulations on the red sun!
This morning is just a fairy tale!
Does not spare bright paint.
Away with sadness and away with bad weather.
Good morning, my happiness!

See even more beautiful wishes

How can you sleep for so long? I don't have the strength to wake him up anymore.
Wake up or you'll miss precious moments:
Hug, kiss, go to the store for coffee.
Wake up, stop sleeping! I need your compliments!
In fact, I'm so bored without you,
And “Good morning!” I want to wish. Well, I do not know.
Eh, okay, I’ll entertain myself here for another five minutes.
That's it, five minutes have passed. Hold on, I'm attacking!

Wake up soon
I'm hurrying to you
To see faster
Your smile in the window.
To hug you tighter
And kiss on the mouth,
And of course, faster
Get you out of bed!

You and I had a great time yesterday
And you fell asleep without your hind legs at all...
The night hours flew by quickly...
Well? Were you able to get up this morning?
I send you greetings with good morning!
Well, are you awake? Answer me: where are you?

Waking up is a pleasant moment,
Don't miss it
Open your eyes quickly
Drink coffee, don't be sad!

This day is incredible
A big surprise awaits you,
Do you doubt it? Not worth it!
Believe in him with your heart and soul!

I am simpler, quiet and leisurely,
And tenderly, as if angelically
Kissing, hugging, of course,
And quietly in your ear: Good morning!

Banana-Orange Morning!
Every day early in the morning
Eat Banana and Orange
So that on a beautiful face
There were no wrinkles at all!
Good morning!

Very funny good morning wishes

The sun has risen, I yawn, wrapped in a sheet.
I don’t want to go for a run, I won’t go to work.
I want to sleep longer next to you today.
And the eyes opened to wish “Good morning”.
Let's wrap ourselves in a blanket and sleep with you some more.
"Good morning!" - the beam stubbornly tells us through the window.
And now I can’t sleep anymore, the sun is shining in my eyes.
Okay, tomorrow we’ll sleep off: “Good morning, fidget!”

Wake up quickly, the sun has already risen.
I know it’s cozy and warm under the blanket.
But despite this, you still have to get up,
Do some quick exercises to stretch your bones.
And then brush your teeth, don’t forget to wash your face,
Eat your favorite breakfast, go and perform great feats.
You see how many pleasant things you have to do.
Good morning! Your alarm clock has already been ringing for 5 minutes!

The nightingales have already gone to rest.
So it's time for you to get up.
Open your heart to a new day
Understand, I already love you more.

I really miss you this morning...
Outside the window the night is quietly melting...
Come on, get up, darling, good morning!
I want the day to pass again with delight!
Just wear cleaner socks...
Look at the service again, don’t be late...

Good morning to you, little man!
Time to wake up, get up quickly!
Do exercises, make coffee,
Take a more contrasting shower in the morning!

Every day early in the morning
Eat Banana and Orange
So that on a beautiful face
There were no wrinkles at all!

Good morning, cat.
I kiss your tummy.
And when I see you,
I'll kiss you even lower.

The morning has come, come on, wake up!
Hurry up to exercise, sunshine, go!
So that your body is strong and healthy,
So that your appearance will always look cool.
And don’t forget to brush your teeth, of course.
This point is also important, my dear friend.
Don't forget to shower with cold water.
Good morning! And even if you try to break the point!

Good morning! Cool and funny wishes

When dawn breaks into the world,
When the morning opens the shutters,
I'll send you my regards:
“Wake up, my darling, my glorious one!”

Smile back at me, my love
And send a couple of phrases via SMS...
What else is dawn needed for?
To illuminate you with its brilliance!

I imagine how you walk in the morning
Still a little sleepy in my apartment...
You can’t find the socks that you scattered
And again you sit in the toilet for half an hour...
And there you read this SMS,
Where I write good morning with greetings...

Good morning, with joy to you,
Wipe your eyes quickly!
Admire yourself in the mirror,
Warm up and get ready for a fairy tale!

To make the morning good,
You start it by charging:
I need to run a little
Drink some coffee on the sly
Take a shower, make the bed,
Stretch your abs, iron your pants,
Put a smile on your face
Raise your chest, pull in your stomach
And take it with you on the road
Enormous sandwich!

Wake up my master
I hasten to tell you -
What do you need today
Don't oversleep on work!

The sun is shining outside the window,
Everything is blooming around.
Wake up my master -
I'm your phone number.
Ding-ding! Good morning!/

Good morning! Let it be at dawn
The world will smile at you from the heart,
Life is a lottery, lucky ticket
Pull it out as quickly as possible.

It's already morning.
Good morning I want to say.
It's incredibly cute to watch
How will you open your eyes now?
I'll kiss you softly
And I will press my cheek to your shoulder.
Come on, wake up, I'm sad.
Otherwise, I'll tickle you!

The birds have been fluttering in the garden for a long time.
They protect the main secret of the Earth.
You don't want to get out of bed,
You mumble something anxiously in your sleep.

The alarm clock has already rung five times,
But you still don’t want to get up.
You wrap yourself in a blanket again.
I wished you good morning.

I am writing to remind you that yesterday
You asked me to wake you up this morning...
And so I got up even at five o’clock,
To write you pleasant words...
Well? Have I woken you up yet?
You see: I didn’t forget my promise!

The sun looks sternly out the window,
It's time for you to wake up a long time ago,
Good morning! Hurry up and open your eyes,
And touch this morning fairy tale!

The theme of this collection is Funny wishes for good morning and a good day, only the most interesting parting words from a pure soul!

I wish to absorb all its revitalizing freshness and carry it through this whole day.

Find something to believe in and get up in the morning with a smile.

It’s already so light outside, and the birds are singing a morning song to cheer everyone up and wish them a good morning. So good morning to you.

Don't waste time dozing off, hurry up to meet your luck in the new day!

Good morning! I wish you great and good luck! May she always be with you, may with her help any problems be solved, and may life become more wonderful, brighter and more amazing.

Good morning! Have a wonderful day, great mood!

Let today's 24 hours be filled with a honey-cherry cocktail in the morning, decorated with chocolate and milk mixture in the day, and sprinkled with coconut flakes in the evening.

After all, it’s not for nothing that the proverb says: whoever gets up early, God gives him. May God, for your honest heart, give you good luck in your endeavors.

Good morning, world! Bright victories, brilliant successes, great happiness!

Good luck in all your endeavors planned for this day. Good morning!

This morning, charge yourself with a good mood, positivity and go to conquer the world. I know you will succeed, this day will give you happiness!

May your day be successful today, and may your work not be rushed!

I wish you good morning, let it begin with a great mood and cheerful inspiration!

Good morning my gentle angel! My heart is filled only with you, I really hope that yesterday’s surprise did not pass without a trace. Just say that you love me and there will be fewer such surprises. Don't joke with me, you're playing with fire.

Good morning, here’s my positive message for you - let your money never run out, your health never decrease, and your mood always be festive.

May luck cast its lasso over you today, and may the sky give you a taste of freshness, pleasure and boundless happiness!

May this day be filled with sunshine and warmth, the smiles of friends and just passers-by. Don't be upset over trifles and don't pay attention to minor difficulties

On this day, I wish you a sea of ​​goodness, an ocean of good luck, and a whole mountain of happiness!

Make plans for the year in the spring, plans for the day in the morning.

Wishing you a good and special morning now and always!

This morning I wish you success in business, but without fatigue in your work!

Let pleasant surprises raise your tone today, and let everyone around you appreciate, understand, and respect you!

Your love is my support in life, I live only for you and I want it to always be like this! I love you and look forward to meeting you again...

I wish you the most extraordinarily delightful morning, smoothly turning into an interesting and fun day.

What a long night it was. The bed was not warm without you, the stars and the moon prevented me from sleeping. But the morning has come, and I rush to send you a SMS wishing you good morning. And you will read it and smile with your charming smile, which will make even me feel warm and joyful.

With the first rays of the sun, my love and tenderness woke up, thinking about you!

Good morning to you - may your day be successful and easy, may your mood be great and your well-being cheerful!

Let your day pass exclusively on the positive, and in the evening I will take care of...

This morning I am happy because I have you, and you have me!

Congratulations on your great holiday - the beginning of a new day. I wish you that things will go in the right direction from the very morning.

This morning, let a delicious breakfast charge you with strength and positive energy, and let all your planned activities go smoothly!

Happy good morning to you, my bright sun! Love you!

I think that you are in a fighting and perky mood today. Be on top today, prove yourself!

I congratulate you on the beginning of a new cool day! Everything will be cool and everything will work out!

The sun has already risen and is beginning to warm the earth. And now, he will look into your window to warm you with his rays, and at the same time to convey greetings and good morning wishes from me.

Good morning! nature will say, and I will make you strong and moderately invigorating coffee!

Good morning, my beloved little man! We are together and it's wonderful! Everything will be fine with us!

Let this day be good, beautiful and serene, and let a streak of successful days, love, goodness begin!

If you woke up and it made me feel light and warm, then you are my Sunshine!

Start your day on a positive note so that it will be wonderful until the evening! I send you all my love, tenderness and good mood!

I wish you the best morning and the most cheerful mood!

Kiss! I wish you a good day, may it be clear, not at all in vain, a day for adventure and all kinds of inspiration!

My dear bunny, good morning. The sun has risen, replaced the languid night, and it's time to wake up.

Today, fate will be generous with pleasant gifts and unexpected sweet surprises from the very early morning!

Good morning, friend! A new day has arrived. And new is always unexpected, but let this unexpected be only positive.

Good morning! - I wish you a life without despondency, in love with madness and passion, in a career of profit and power.

The world is beautiful because you are nearby! Good morning to my most adored person in the Universe!

My beloved man, I hug you tightly and kiss you sweetly! I want to come to your bed. But while you’re not around, you don’t need to sleep for long!

Have a great day! Smiles and laughter! And so that no obstacles interfere!

Good morning, my dear man, shine and recharge your energy for the whole day.

This morning will begin with a lot of new opportunities and positive emotions. Share a piece of your optimism with others!

I wish you today to be much better than yesterday.

Good morning, Baby! Are you probably still sleeping? Know I love you!

I wish you fruitful work, a pleasant holiday, happy moments and joyful feelings!

I wish that on this day you have only advantages, and all the disadvantages pass by!

Good morning, with cheerful strength, with good mood, with new hope, with great joy.

Congratulations on a wonderful morning! May everything you could ever dream of appear in your life today.

Say hello from me! I wish you a good day!

Let this morning be the best, let the sun shine from behind the clouds!

Smile and be filled with love. Sunny, good morning! Have the best day!

Good morning and have a nice day, everything will be fine for you, because you have me!

May this amazing awakening bring you a positive charge of energy and a wonderful mood for the whole day.

Let my morning kiss inspire, and let my love and tenderness help you achieve your goals and make your cherished dream come true.

This morning will be beautiful, like a rainbow, bright and positive!

Smile at the dawn and open your window to the flow of joy and love.

Wake up, my wonderful friend, it’s time to open up to the morning sun and light positivity.

Good morning! May it truly be kind and beautiful!

Good morning! I wish you good luck, success on the path to realizing your plans, ease in achieving your goals.

May you live without doubts and sorrows in your soul! Let everything in life happen the way you want!

This morning and this day, full of smiles and pleasant surprises, awaits you.

Let your eyes shine like the stars in the sky when you wake up. Happy bright morning!

May this day bring something good and leave happy memories.

Good morning! My dear beloved and only person, separation is the surest way to understand and realize how necessary you are!

May your money never run out today, your health never diminish, and your mood always be festive.

Cool wishes for good morning and good day - Good morning! May this day be filled with successful moments and may everything turn out exactly the way you want!

The most beautiful wishes for good morning and good day

Good morning, happy new day,
May it bring good luck
With every ray of sunshine
May happiness come to you.

May this morning be good
And the mood is incomparable,
Let all goals come true,
Cherished dreams come true.

Let love warm the soul,
Life will become brighter and better
Success, inspiration, strength,
And may happiness favor you!

Good morning! Have a nice day!
Let a sea of ​​smiles await you in it.
Open your eyes quickly.
Everything gonna be alright! And you know this.

A lot of happy moments await you,
A sea of ​​events, a lot of compliments.
Good luck will knock on your house today,
And something good will definitely happen!

So the morning has come,
You can meet a new day
I would like it to shine
The sun was shining and the lilacs were blooming.

Will lift your spirits
The song is upbeat and soulful.
Good morning! Coffee will relieve
Remaining sleep. Get up already!

Let the gentle one wake you up
A ray of sunshine, and then
The whole world is big, boundless
Let him break into your house!

And let the day begin with a song
Of a triumphant soul,
Let life become more interesting
Hurry to meet her!

The morning is washed with dew,
The sun is still a little sleepy,
Wants to say hello to you
New day with flower buds,
The aroma of coffee will inspire,
And he will generously give you magic.
"Good morning! - the world tells us,
Just enjoy this day!”

Beautiful wishes for good morning and good day

I wish you good morning,
I'm sending positive messages
Mood with him to boot,
Joy, kiss for change.
And you are also warm,
I wish you an easy day,
Impressions and smiles,
And don't make mistakes!

Have a nice day!
Until the evening, fly like a bird.
Let them inspire you
Friends and the ability to dream!

May luck follow you
Walks strictly on your heels!
Don't sit still, don't stand still,
Go forward to your dreams!

Illuminate the smile of loved ones,
Cheer up your neighbor
Give joy to your colleagues
Love the whole world, without exception!

I wish that your day
Was full of happiness and fun
Without sadness, any worries,
May life give you pleasure!

Look out the window quickly
A new day has already arrived.
You know only one thing.
It is as beautiful as Baikal.

Stretch so sweetly,
Open your sleepy eyes.
Your dreams will come true
Believe, everything will be, my angel.

I wish you good morning,
I send my positivity,
May it be a wonderful day,
All the negativity has receded!

Your day will be difficult in the morning,
Because I wish with my soul:
Let happiness come to your home
And he will ask to live with you!
And he will drive you away from the threshold with a broom
All that sleep disturbs yours.
So that everyday life flows without anxiety
And the blue sky shone!

Best wishes for good morning and good day

Good morning! Everything around has woken up
The sun gives us its bright light!
So that consciousness wakes up quickly,
I send you joyful greetings!

Enjoy the first rays
Birds singing, morning dew...
A new day is just around the corner -
Let the whole world wake up for you!

I wish you good morning,
Have a great day and lots of luck!
Wake up and smile at me!
I will whisper: “You are my happiness”!

The sun is shining tenderly and cheerfully,
It portends a good day for everyone,
We wish everyone a lucky day,
And everyone’s plans will come true in full.
So that luck does not leave you,
To accompany you everywhere,
So that a joyful meeting takes place,
All the best to you, success, goodness.

Good morning, happy new morning!
Wake up quickly.
The day has come and it's cool!
Smile, stay cheerful.

A ray of sun is knocking on the window.
Congratulations on good morning!
Everything wonderful will happen
On this day, I know for sure!

Good morning to you, good morning!
And it's time to get out of bed.
The clear sun smiled at everyone,
And the rays began to be distributed to everyone.

The sun gives out light, mood,
Just extend your hand to him.
And you will get inspiration for the day,
To do all your own things.

The sun looks out the window,
After all, it’s time to get up long ago.
Good morning, happy new day!
Let's take a nap in the evening!

And now it's time
Put away the blanket.
To greet a new morning,
And don’t upset your friends!