Happy birthday to Rus'. Congratulations on the day of the baptism of Rus' in prose

Happy Baptism of Rus' Day
Congratulations to you today
Faith pure and good
I wish you from the bottom of my heart on this holiday.

May the Lord protect the family,
He will give happiness to our country,
Let life be brighter
Every year it only gets more beautiful.

Let love live in your heart,
Hope always gives light,
May the angel protect you
Let the joy be boundless.

Today is a great day, very important,
Today is the day of the baptism of Rus',
And on this day I wish you,
You will find harmony in your soul.

I also wish you prosperity,
All earthly and unearthly blessings,
So that everything is okay with you,
So that the darkness does not frighten you forever!

Congratulations to all Orthodox Christians on the occasion of the baptism of Holy Rus'! I wish everyone strength of faith, great spirit, human compassion and bright love. May peace, respect and mutual understanding always reign in your homes. May your deeds always be honest, godly and righteous. And may your actions be rewarded as they deserve.

Day of the Baptism of Rus' -
Orthodox holiday,
Let someone honor this day -
He will be sound in spirit.

After all, culture is important
You need to remember the dates
Life isn't so scary then,
It’s a joy to live then!

I wish you on this day
To be with family at home,
Happiness, joy, love
And the native hearth!

Once upon a time there was pagan Rus',
But she found faith in Christ.
In the Dnieper, Prince Vladimir baptized the people
And with God's light Rus' was illuminated forever!

Congratulations on the baptism of Rus'!
Wear a cross on your body for good luck.
He will help you in business and save you in troubles,
After all, he carries the holy faith within himself!

Happy Baptism of Rus' Day
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!
Always be pious
Let only positivity surround you.

Let your heart be clear
Every day will be wonderful.
May the Lord protect you from troubles.
Let decades pass in prosperity.

Many years ago
Rus' was baptized according to ritual,
God has become closer and dearer,
He is always there for everyone!

On this bright clear day
We remember Epiphany,
We ask the Lord one thing,
To give a blessing.

Happy Baptism of Rus' Day
Congratulations at this hour!
May Orthodoxy flourish forever,
The earth is prosperous.

God let us everywhere and everywhere
Every moment is a blessing.
Let life be like a miracle
Where good never sleeps.

Day of the Baptism of Rus' -
Orthodox holiday.
May the Lord protect you
From any misfortune.

With God's help let
You are walking around the world.
Always sparkle with kindness
Be beautiful at heart.

Congratulations on the Day of the Baptism of Rus',
We wish you to celebrate the holiday with a pure heart,
Let's ask the Lord for good things
And it will shed a gracious light.
We wish you to live to see your gray days,
And be proud of pure thoughts,
Drive away dark thoughts,
Don't listen to the words of strangers
And be born again in better faith.

Happy Baptism Day of Mother Rus'!
Happy great Orthodox holiday!
I have faith in my heart, like carrying a candle,
Remember in the bustle of the world the main thing,

Remember that prayer is work,
Always love your neighbor and God,
Be generous with goodness, be stingy with judgment,
Find your path in life!

On July 28, Russia celebrates one of the most important church holidays - the Day of the Baptism of Rus'. This date became an important milestone for the history of the country, influencing its further cultural and historical development. The Orthodox faith came to Rus' in 988, but the holiday of the Baptism of Rus' has been officially celebrated only since 2010. According to the decree of the President of Russia, on July 28, the Day of the Baptism of Rus' was added to the list of state memorial dates. The importance of this date was constantly emphasized by the Russian Orthodox Church, which took the initiative when the Day of the Baptism of Rus' did not yet have an official background. July 28 was chosen as the date. On this day, Prince Vladimir the Red Sun is remembered, during whose reign the Orthodox faith came to Rus'. The Grand Duke was the grandson of Princess Olga, who became a Christian while in the Byzantine Empire. After returning to her homeland, Olga decided to pass on the faith to her descendants. Congratulations on the day of the Baptism of Rus' - July 28.

He freed us from the infidels,
He sanctified the lost people with the cross.
And the mighty Dnieper broke the waves,
But Prince Vladimir stood on the shore,
Today is a holiday, I will cross myself,
After all, on this day Vladimir baptized Rus'.

Blessed be the Lord Jesus Christ,
He brought faith in God, faith in life.
Blessed be Saint Vladimir,
May peace reign in Rus'.
For the Motherland, for God and for faith,
Let us banish the devil's brimstone from the roots.
For the future of the great family,
I thank Saint Vladimir.

July day, like everyone else,
People stood on the Dnieper,
The prince appeared - a young face,
And later he became a saint for us.
Vladimir, Rus' was baptized by Christ,
I put so much effort into this.
To live and be inspired,
And they remained with God forever.

Congratulations on the baptism of Rus',
"Our Father, who art in heaven"
Saint Vladimir thank you,
Glory to the prince in heaven and on earth.
The idols have fallen, the graven images are dead,
Temples have been erected and souls are alive.
Glory to Vladimir, our holy prince,
Let the golden halo warm you.

The ringing of the bell dispelled the fire,
People washed themselves with sacred water,
Prince Vladimir stepped on the ground,
And he consecrated holy Rus' with prayer.
Rejoice on earth, rejoice on God,
The Russian people have overcome sin within themselves.
Rejoice heaven, rejoice everyone,
Strength is in your hands, strength is in Christ.

Vladimir Svyatoslavovich, decided to be baptized,
And he called on the people of Kiev to lighten their souls by the waters of the Dnieper.
From idols forever, free from sin,
And strive towards heaven, towards Christ with desire.
And the sign of the cross rose in heaven,
And the Christian sun lit a fire in our hearts.
May this glorious holiday give you only strength,
With Christ in the soul and in the heart “With the Baptism of Rus'.”

The great bright holiday of the baptism of Rus'.
He is great and beautiful, full of spiritual strength.
It was also on July day that Vladimir baptized Rus'
And he paved a new path to the Christian faith.
Where the idols stood, he built temples
And by force, at the beginning, in the Dnieper he baptized the people.
So that our Russian does not wallow in the sin of unbelief,
Vladimir saved the Slavs from spirits and idols.
Golden crosses shine in the sun
Age-old canons of love and beauty.

Who baptized Rus'

Baptism of Rus': date

The exact year of this event is known - 988. But there is no exact date, only a guess – August 14. But this is inaccurate, which is why the holiday is celebrated on July 28 - the day of the death of Vladimir the Great.

Congratulations on the Day of the Baptism of Rus' in prose

On the day of the Baptism of Rus', I wish you good health, faith and hope for a better and brighter future, love, sincerity, happiness and goodness. Let the clear sky, bright sun, fruitful rain, mighty wind and rustle of trees help you to live for good and enjoy life. May there be joy in your soul and good luck in your brave deed.

All Orthodox Christians of our Motherland can be congratulated on the great holiday, the Day of the Baptism of Rus'. Even if this was not a matter of one day, it changed our whole lives, and it is simply impossible to imagine Rus' differently. Well, let’s congratulate us all on the holiday and wish you light in your soul today and always.

Congratulations to all Orthodox Christians on the occasion of the baptism of Holy Rus'! I wish everyone strength of faith, great spirit, human compassion and bright love. May peace, respect and mutual understanding always reign in your homes. May your deeds always be honest, godly and righteous. And may your actions be rewarded as they deserve.

Congratulations to you, dear Orthodox brothers, on the Day of the Baptism of Rus'! Grand Duke Vladimir showed our people the righteous path, leading them out of the darkness of idolatry, so let's give this saint our gratitude and glorifying prayers!

3 SMS - 188 characters:

Congratulations on the Day of the Baptism of Rus' and I wish you a gracious, kind, beautiful and happy life, in which the Lord will always help you choose the right path, in which there will be many days of delight and joy.

4 SMS - 252 characters:

Congratulations on the Day of the Baptism of Rus' and I wish from the bottom of my heart great happiness, strong faith, joy of the soul and peace of heart, bright hope, good luck, pure love and sincere feelings, good health, heavenly grace, righteous deeds and generous gifts of life.

Poems of congratulations for the baptism of Rus'

Congratulations on the baptism of Rus',

"Our Father, who art in heaven"

Saint Vladimir thank you,

Glory to the prince in heaven and on earth.

The idols have fallen, the graven images are dead,

Temples have been erected and souls are alive.

Glory to Vladimir, our holy prince,

Let the golden halo warm you.

3 SMS - 180 characters:

Happy Baptism of Rus' Day!

May the Lord protect you

From trouble, loss of strength

And from many worries,

May all days be clear

And they bring you beauty,

A sea of ​​joy, love,

Lots of happiness and kindness!

3 SMS - 199 characters:

Happy Baptism of Rus' Day

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart,

On a day so bright and holy,

Rejoice with all your soul.

Clear your mind of evil

You will not know pain, evil eyes,

Let comfort reign in the family

And they are always waiting for you at home.

3 SMS - 176 characters:

Day of the Baptism of Rus' -

Orthodox holiday.

May the Lord protect you

From any misfortune.

With God's help let

You are walking around the world.

Always sparkle with kindness

Be beautiful at heart.

Congratulations on the Day of the Baptism of Rus' and I wish from the bottom of my heart great happiness, strong faith, joy of the soul and peace of heart, bright hope, good luck, pure love and sincere feelings, good health, heavenly grace, righteous deeds and generous gifts of life.

Congratulations to all Orthodox Christians on the occasion of the baptism of Holy Rus'! I wish everyone strength of faith, great spirit, human compassion and bright love. May peace, respect and mutual understanding always reign in your homes. May your deeds always be honest, godly and righteous. And may your actions be rewarded as they deserve.

The Baptism of Rus' is an unconditional great day in the religious life of the country! Let grace, love, mutual understanding reign in every home, in every family, so that everyone is happy and enjoys simple life values!

On the day of the Baptism of Rus', I wish you Christian health, faith and hope for a better and brighter future, love, sincerity, happiness and goodness. Let the clear sky, bright sun, fruitful rain, mighty wind and rustle of trees help you to live for good and enjoy life. May there be joy in your soul and good luck in your brave deed.

Congratulations on the Day of the Baptism of Rus' and I wish you a gracious, kind, beautiful and happy life, in which the Lord will always help you choose the right path, in which there will be many days of delight and joy.

All Orthodox Christians of our Motherland can be congratulated on the great holiday, the Day of the Baptism of Rus'. Even if this was not a matter of one day, it changed our whole lives, and it is simply impossible to imagine Rus' differently. Well, let’s congratulate us all on the holiday and wish you light in your soul today and always.

Congratulations on the Day of the Baptism of Rus' and I would like to wish you to always honor the traditions of our ancestors, respect and cherish the values ​​of the Slavic people, work bravely for the good of society, strengthen your faith and enlighten your personality every day.

At a gala reception in the Kremlin, Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated Patriarch Kirill and all Orthodox Christians on the Day of the Baptism of Rus'. According to him, this event determined the entire subsequent history of Russia.


"The significance of this event – ​​the people’s acquisition of faith and spiritual support – cannot be overestimated,” the head of state emphasized. “Our common duty is to honor this fateful stage in Russia’s development.”

Putin noted Prince Vladimir’s special personal contribution to the adoption of Christianity. “Prince Vladimir was destined to become a great sovereign. His choice was insightful and extremely responsible and served as the source of the formation of Russia as a unique country-civilization,” the president emphasized.

According to Putin, the adoption of Christianity was based on Prince Vladimir’s deep love for the Fatherland, on the search for a common principle that could unite the people.

“We remain faithful to the choice of Prince Vladimir. We value peace and harmony in our multinational country, together we strive for its good and prosperity, we respect the customs of all its peoples, all traditional religions of Russia,” Putin concluded.

Orthodox Christians celebrate the 1000th anniversary of the Dormition of Saint Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir on July 28. On this day, services are held in all churches in the country. In Moscow, in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, it was conducted by the patriarch.

In Sevastopol, a religious procession took place to Chersonesus, where Prince Vladimir was baptized, and then a memorial liturgy. In the St. Vladimir Cathedral, Metropolitan Alexander of Kazakhstan and Astana held a divine liturgy, in which the Sevastopol and Crimean clergy, as well as priests of the Kazakh and Kuban metropolises, took part. About three thousand people gathered for the service; people stood not only in the cathedral, but also in the square in front of it.