Original wishes to successfully pass (successfully pass) the Unified State Exam to a student, graduate, parents (success, good luck). Wishes for passing the exam in prose Wishes to study for straight A's and pass the Unified State Exam

I would like to wish you good luck in the exam. Remember that you know and can do everything, that you can do everything and don’t care about anything. And may luck lead you to a bright thought, to the right option, to the right path to success. And according to the old tradition - no fluff, no feather!

On this difficult exam day, we wish you success, good luck, and achievement of the desired result. Be confident in your abilities, maintain a positive attitude and faith that everything will work out.

Break a leg. Go ahead, you can do it, you will do it. Exhale calmly, gather all your knowledge into a pile, relax, banish all doubts and worries, remember that you are a smart and resourceful person. And just in case, let good luck be with you during the exam, which, if anything, will protect you and allow you to get an excellent mark.

So the important day for you has come - the day of passing the Exam. I wish you to pass it with only “excellent” marks. Let no experiences or emotions prevent you from achieving your goal. Let your memory not fail you at the most crucial moment. Let thoughts and words be built in the right order, and thoughts flow like a river. I wish you only good luck, and, as they say, “neither fluff nor feather”!

I hold my fists and scold you to myself. I wish you to successfully pass this exam, I wish that everything goes easily and quickly, simply and without problems. Be cheerful and brave, don’t panic and believe in yourself. Good luck and prosperity to you.

Congratulations, today is an important day and an important event for you. I sincerely believe that you will easily cope with this small test, that you will pass this exam with flying colors. Therefore, I wish you not to worry, not to be afraid, but to remain confident and prove yourself brilliantly. Have a great day and good luck on your exam!

So, gather your thoughts and go ahead to your exam. I know for sure that you will pass it well! And for this to happen for sure, I wish you success, luck and, of course, good luck. Seize the moment and everything will work out. Don't be nervous or worry, fortune is on your side. I'll be waiting for you in a couple of hours with a good grade in your record book and a satisfied smile!

With all my heart I wish you to pass the exams successfully and get through these exciting hours easily and without worries! May you get lucky tickets, have clear thoughts and a pinch of luck!

I sincerely wish you that the exam becomes easy for you, and not a test at all, but a 5-minute affair, I wish you to feel confident, not to succumb to doubts and fears, I wish you to gather all your knowledge, brave optimism, intuition and inimitable charisma. In general, good luck to you and a great result.

Break a leg. I wish you to conquer your fears, breathe a breath of confidence, cheer up and not doubt your success for a moment. And let solid knowledge combined with good luck lead to a high result - an “excellent” mark, which will allow both you and your loved ones to be proud of you.

To pass the exam perfectly,
You need to get a decent night's sleep.
Read all questions
And make a wish.

I wish not to be afraid
And don't doubt yourself.
May success come to you
May God protect you.


So, exams are not easy -
Everyone understands perfectly well...
Pass the Unified State Exam and survive after -
The main wish.

Don't get lost, don't scream,
Be patient
Don't pull out hair
In a sad mood.

Remember everything and not forget,
Lay out decently,
Pass the Unified State Exam and win -
Just “excellent”!


Today is a very important and significant event - an exam! I wish you to pass the Unified State Exam without resistance with maximum results. Let all the knowledge accumulated over the years be easily reflected on paper and not cause confusion and excitement. Good luck!


I wish you on the Unified State Exam
Collect all your brains into a pile.
The power of knowledge and inspiration
Break all tasks.

To keep your nerves strong,
A good idea came.
A series of crazy tests
It only brought me luck.


Here comes the milestone
When your path is decided.
We wish to have success
And feel free to take a step on the Unified State Examination.

Let your mind not let you down,
And everything will be solved like twice two.
Let the memory play back
And he will give all the necessary words.

Let them gather in their heads
All thoughts, strength, and then
You will win many victories
Stepping out of the school yard!

Congratulations on the Unified State Exam in verse


No fluff, no feather, which means to hell!
The time has come for you to take the Unified State Exam.
Be inquisitive and firm during the exam
We wish you to score maximum points!


I wish you on the Unified State Exam
Composure and good luck,
And, of course, the mood
It means a lot in this matter.

Smile and everything will work out
Pull yourself together, believe in yourself
Thoughts in the right direction
Everything will work out now!


So, the Unified State Exam is already approaching,
I'll keep my fingers crossed.
To make it easy, relaxed
It turned out to pass everything.

Let your ingenuity not fail you
And he will be lucky with the task.
To prevent teeth from breaking
About the science of evil granite.


Peace and endurance to you
At the Unified State Exam we wanted to wish
We are confident in your knowledge -
You know everything perfectly!

You just need to collect your thoughts,
Write everything you know on the topic,
And try not to be nervous,
After all, you will have to take exams more than once!


The crucial moment has arrived
It's time for you to take the Unified State Exam,
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts,
Write everything for a hundred points,
Don't get lost, be bolder
And everything will work out then,
With such a fighting spirit
The exam will definitely be passed!


It was not easy to pass the Unified State Exam,
But preparation means a lot!
It's time for me to congratulate you:
The road to university is open for you!

I wish you to study well
After all, knowledge is a bright light!
To achieve a lot in life,
Pull your lucky ticket!


Approaching inexorably
Your terrible Unified State Exam.
I wish you luck
This storm has passed.

To make the questions easy
Were just for you.
Don't get caught by accident
Spurs fidgets nervously.


Responsible and important day
Today it has arrived
Are you taking the Unified State Exam today?
We wish you strength
Let the exam be submitted,
You will score points
And definitely take it off to college
You'll get in for free!


Let the Unified State Exam satisfy you,
You will pass it with a hundred points,
You've learned a lot
There is a lot of knowledge in my head,
Be attentive, calm,
Just don't worry
You will cope with the task accurately,
Believe in yourself, don't be discouraged!


Conquer everyone with your intellect,
Let the brain be like a machine.
On the Unified State Exam, tear them all apart,
Let the spring shoot.

Gather all your nerves into a bunch,
So that your hands don't shake.
You are a titan of bright thoughts,
Remember this, pull yourself together.


Let everything be more serious in life,
But, you will remember the day of the Unified State Exam.
When the teacher is angry and menacing,
I handed the task to you.

So, a test of courage,
For endurance and good luck.
And I wanted to wish you
And joy to boot.

After all, you are entering another life,
And on this day your growth is visible.
Don't waste your nerves in vain,
Your choice is not easy anyway!


The important moment has arrived
You will definitely master it
After all, you remember what you taught
And you'll deserve a compliment.

Passing the Unified State Exam is not so easy,
But count on knowledge,
Your efforts will not be in vain,
And there will be access to luck.

Not an easy exam, I know
It's not easy to pass.
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Stand until victory.

Get a grip on yourself
And set yourself up for luck.
Believe what's ahead
Every task is correct.

Pass excellently and that's it,
The target will be defeated.
The whole family is with you now
And he clenches his fists.


Are you ready for the exam -
If you pass successfully, don't be afraid.
First, calm down
And go forward more boldly.

You will believe in your strength -
Everything will work out then.
Well, we wish you
So that luck helps.


Break a leg
I wish you.
So that questions come across,
Which ones do you know?

Luck on the exam
To make you smile
The task is very simple
So that you can decide.

I wish you not to get lost,
Behave yourself decently.
I wish for the exam
I get "excellent".


Good luck on the exam!
Do without a retake,
That's right, answer quickly
Don't forget anything.
So that for any ticket
There was always an answer ready.


Pass the exam successfully
I wish you
Pull out the ticket
Which one do you know exactly?

I wish to answer
Fast, precise, clear,
Let them think, subject
You know perfectly well.

Excellent rating
I wish to receive
And fear of the exam
Forget forever.

Wishes before the exam


Good luck with your exam,
Kill everyone with your mind,
Let your answer be cool,
He will be worthy of all praise.

Don't be afraid, don't tremble furtively,
And feel free to go and give it up,
Let questions obey,
Good luck is only ahead.


Gather all your will into a fist,
Use your brains
Be sure to remember -
You are smarter than everyone else.

You will pass the exam without any problems,
There's no doubt
Will definitely come across
The easiest ticket!


I wish you to pass the exam with flying colors,
It’s not for nothing that you were taught for so many days.
Let's look forward optimistically -
You can handle it, don’t do it!

Grab your luck by the tail,
Let him tell you where I need a ticket.
Let the subconscious whisper in your ear
All questions have the correct answer.


Let the epiphany come
And answers will be found
May you be lucky with the ticket
After all, summer calls and beckons...

Let the exams pass
Without unnecessary consumption of nerve cells,
Let knowledge not let you down,
Let the mark be high!


So, gather your thoughts and go ahead to your exam. I know for sure that you will pass it well! And for this to happen, I’ll probably wish you good luck, luck and, of course, good luck. Seize the moment and everything will work out. Don't be nervous or worry, fortune is on your side. I'll be waiting for you in a couple of hours with a good grade in your record book and a satisfied smile!

Wishes for a successful exam


I wish you for the exam
I am neither fluff nor feather,
And let the ticket come across,
What was learned yesterday.

I wish the question
It's good to know the answers
And the exam, like clockwork,
For you to pass.

May luck be with you
To stand behind your shoulder,
To get an “Excellent” exam
You managed to pass it.


On an important, responsible day
Let your hands not tremble
Laziness won't hurt either
It is necessary to remember
May you be five out of five
Can you pass this exam?
Come with good news,
Then we congratulate you!


The granite of science is not easy to gnaw,
But knowledge helps you live.
Keep the answer sharp in conversation,
You will love for many years.

I wish you success
So that your exam is not difficult
All the best, good luck
Success and great strength.


Don't be afraid, don't be afraid of tasks
And throw your doubts back
Believe me, you have enough strength and knowledge,
To pass this exam “excellently”.

Don't worry for nothing, don't be sad,
After all, you know everything, I’m telling you for sure,
Set yourself the goal of answering correctly,
“Like clockwork” everything will go, I’m not lying to you!


Let the tasks not be difficult,
Just tune in to the wave of victories,
“Excellent” to receive and nothing else -
I wish you good luck in the exam!
No fluff or feather to you, good luck,
Don't be afraid, let everything work out,
After all, this day will definitely not be gloomy,
Just answer with confidence
And everything, of course, will turn out as it should,
Because we know what you need
Success - he will be with you all day long,
Just use it skillfully!

Wishes for passing the exam. Wishes for a successful exam


May your journey into a new life end with the successful completion of this stage! I wish you to do well in your exams, get the long-awaited “corks” and with them achieve new milestones. I know that you will be able to do this, because you are putting in a lot of effort, gradually approaching your goal.


In every business, luck is irreplaceable.
In the matter of passing exams - help her out.
Don't give up without a fight, be persistent and strong.
Let the long-awaited “5” stand in your record book!

Let the exam pass without burrs, smoothly,
You'll get a good and easy ticket,
You can answer any riddles without hesitation,
The teacher will praise your answer.

Come out of this sport as a winner,
After passing, walk hard and dash!
Let the A's settle firmly in your record book.
Hope for luck, but don't be bad yourself.


Don't do it and don't hesitate
Be calm, collected, anyone,
Don't rush and don't show off -
And happily, good luck!

Know the subject and be sure -
You will pass the exam with 100%!
The path to success has been proven,
Take a full breath and off you go!


I wish you to pass the course with flying colors,
Happy to pull out a ticket.
Don't worry, don't do it
Give up and go quickly.

You will remember everything, and you know everything,
You solve everything with ease.
Go give it up, it's time for you,
I wish you neither fluff nor feather!


For an exam, like for a holiday,
Are you going now?
May good luck be with you,
Pass the exam in one go
Clear, precise and to the point
Answer the questions
And, of course, when answering
Don't forget anything!

Best wishes for passing the exam


There are no more important events right now:
The exam is waiting for you, good luck!
Nice draw a ticket
After all, he really means a lot!

I want you to do well
This exam is not easy!
Always think optimistically
Anxiety and your fear - go away!


On this difficult exam day, we wish you success, good luck, and achievement of the desired result. Be confident in your abilities, maintain a positive attitude and faith that everything will work out.


To pass the exam successfully
Keep busy, don't be lazy.
And, of course, luck
You need. Well, agree.

Calm down and don't be afraid
Let's cross our fingers for you
And the question will be familiar,
And you will respond with a bang!


The exam is not easy, but you can handle it easily,
I wish you an easy ticket and good luck with it.
Let everything certainly succeed, let the answer be brilliant,
And all the worries and fears will go away and not at all!


Tomorrow you have an exam.
Not cramming, but your notes
Put some knowledge under your pillow
There will be light shining at night.

Why flipping pages is stupid,
If you can sleep sweetly,
The brain will absorb everything like a sponge!
The main thing is to get up in the morning

From the left leg from the bed
Try not to forget
And don’t even think about washing yourself, by the way.
By sign of swearing

I will speak to you loudly and clearly.
So you'll definitely be lucky
And a freebie from the record book
It won't crawl away anywhere!


I want to give it to you
This exam is not easy
Definitely five
By showing more knowledge!


The exam is coming again
Please don't let me down!
So that the accumulated knowledge
You came in handy today!

After all, you prepared seriously
And that means you can distinguish yourself!
Go, don't be afraid of anything,
And you will pass it perfectly!


The task before you is:
You need to pass the exam well.
May luck surround you
We will wish together, amicably.

Let the easy ticket fall out
What will you know by heart?
Let the answer be excellent
Of course you will get five!


I wish you to pass the exam successfully
Don't get confused, don't oversleep,
And, answering questions correctly,
Demonstrate all knowledge.

Let the assessment be fair
And you are happy after the exam.
I wish you success in passing everything,
To have a reason to celebrate!


Open the window quickly
Put a nickel in your shoes
Shout out loud like in the movies
“You freebie, come!”

Don't forget your record book,
Scratch off your legs with a spur,
Two short alarms,
Don't oversleep!

Are you ready? Now I wish
The best ticket is yours
To get what you know
And there are no questions for you!


Attention, please attention,
I will wish you good things
Good luck, easy delivery for you,
And I advise you to believe in a miracle.

To make the exam easy,
So that you don’t get burned with your spur,
To pass it the first time,
So that you don't get dumped on it!


Learning will be this result,
The trait of the accumulated knowledge of all,
So that the teacher can’t fail,
I wish you now.

The time to take the exam has come
You can handle it easily, no doubt.
Solve problems well
And reach new records.


Break a leg. I wish you to conquer your fears, breathe a breath of confidence, cheer up and not doubt your success for a moment. And let solid knowledge combined with good luck lead to a high result - an “excellent” mark, which will make both you and your loved ones proud of you.


We wish you no feather, no feathers,
We even know what you will send in response.
Be confident and don't be nervous -
Here's to you before the exam!

We know what I taught and practiced,
And not only you tried before the exams,
We will keep our fingers crossed for you
And we have no doubt that you will pass with an A!


My friend! I wish you
Pass the exam perfectly,
Whatever the teacher does
And he gave hints!

You get a lucky ticket,
Where will your question be, beloved,
May your memory not fail you
And it will lead to an A!


I want to prove myself in the exam,
Turn on your mind and ingenuity,
Come out of the situation beautifully,
And feel happy!

Let the cheat sheets help you,
Good luck, be on top in everything.
This step is a ladder to life,
And you fight it and hold on!


I wish you to show off your knowledge
And pass the exam, but not “somehow”,
And to get “excellent” for your efforts,
Know everything in action and don’t waste water.

I wish that the cheat sheet would not be found,
And all the worries went away at the right moment.
So that you can find the right answer in them,
And no one knew what your secret was.


It's time for exams
The season is almost dead.
Break a leg!
Quickly tell me: & laquo; to hell!"
Come on, don't be sad
Everything will work out as it should
You will get the highest score
For this you will be rewarded.


Be confident in yourself
Put aside your notes
And the coming night,
You better get some sleep.

Let luck choose
Tickets for you
And memory will tell you,
Correct answers.

And the teacher
Suddenly it will become better
And the highest rating
He'll give it to you!


The exam is passed, now everything is over,
Excitement, anxiety - everything is useless.
Please accept our congratulations as soon as possible,
After all, I passed it and life is wonderful.

And we are all proud of you, of course,
You rest, relax, get some sleep.
And may luck be with you forever,
You did it, you passed, smile!


You can pass the exam in one or two
After all, I have no doubt about this:
There is ingenuity, the head is in place,
Happy will definitely be your ticket!

Let the teacher come in a good mood,
It won’t “fail”, but will help you pass,
I wish you only success and luck,
To get a high five today!


It’s difficult to chew on the granite of science
And you need a lot of patience.
May luck smile
You from the very doorstep.

Pass the exams successfully
I sincerely wish you.
To worry less
And everything was easy!


You are a diligent student
The serious moment has already arrived,
The exam must be passed with an "A"
You couldn't be smarter than you.

I wish you good luck
Happy draw your ticket.
I believe in you, you can do anything,
I wish you victories!


I wish to pass the exam as soon as possible,
I would like to pass it with an A.
And don’t lose that knowledge
Placed in a notebook.

Let the “teacher” be fair,
Doesn't ask questions.
I want to leave all my nerves behind
At the threshold, the entrance to the university.

*** You go to sleep, good night, I will guard your sleep. And I really want to ask...

No need to worry too much
Be afraid and worry.
We believe it's worth trying
And you will pass your exams with an A!

Graduate student, you're almost there
One more effort - and that's it!
I wish you to take this step
Relaxed, fun, easy.
I wish you to be on defense
All the professors applauded
So that tears come to their eyes,
It's time to let you go!

Don't be afraid of the exam
Relax, calm down!
And don’t write a cheat sheet,
You better get some sleep at night!
Everything will go fine then,
You will pass the exam well!

Let that ticket come across
What good will you know
Pass the exam - no problem,
You always pass them by five.
I'm for luck with my fists
I hold it almost until I’m blue in the face.
Let the questions be easy
The answer is beyond doubt.
And then, cooling the dust,
Tiredly, you take off your armor.
Was it a waste of time to fill the refrigerator?
Shall I wash away your successes?

You are healthy, smart, be diligent,
He is very much an adult, but a little bit like his mother...
And in the wild excitement don’t forget,
Spurs, getting ready for the exam!

Both notes and books were abandoned,
I'm shortening my skirt. How else?
That's it, guys, the jokes are over:
Sixth retake in a day!

I wish you that the power of your thoughts,
Multiplied by nerve tension
And resistance to laziness, combined with energy
Good luck was equal to 5 points!
Good luck on the exam!

Students, congratulations again.
I wish you to pass the session quickly!
And you should receive a scholarship more often,
After all, we will all go for a walk on her darling!

I wish you to pass the exam with excellent marks,
And pass all the tests well!
Let him be lucky with tickets,
And on this day good luck awaits!

Today is your day of the decisive battle.
Battles with teachers who think
that they are smarter and more cunning than you. Prove to them
it is not so! Break a leg!

For eleven years you sat at your desk,
I tried, studied, crammed and sweated.
We wish you to pass your exams well,
And you can safely enter the university!

We wish you to pass the exams with dignity,
And just don’t need to cry and suffer,
Everything will be fine, you know, we are with you!
We wish: “No fluff…” to you dear!

We wish you a lucky ticket,
And you will pass the exam, there is no doubt!
There is no need to be afraid, everything will be OK,
Pass your exams and have fun!

"Break a leg"! - We want to wish.
We are confident in you, you will pass the exam with an “A”!
Everything will be fine, you didn’t study in vain,
“No fluff, no feather,” in short!

School years are already behind us,
There is not much left - to pass the exams,
And a new life is ahead of you!
Come on, get ready, pass the exam with an A!

Everything will be fine, don't worry in vain,
We want to wish you an easy ticket.
Once you pass your exams, life will be so wonderful!
Just don’t forget, university is waiting!

Away with worries and anxiety, pass the exam with an A,
And also to you, “No fluff!” I can only wish.
Say “To hell!” to make it come true, and quickly pull out the ticket,
I'm sure you know the answer to any question.

I wish you success in your exams.
Having knowledge of a subject is only half the battle.
It is also important to be able to think, concentrate
Attention and, most importantly, do not worry! You have everything
You will definitely succeed, the main thing is to believe in yourself
And seriously prepare. Good luck and good grades!

Congratulations on Student's Day.