Name day of Michael, day of the angel Michael. Misha's birthday, congratulations to Mikhail Misha's birthday

Michael is an ancient Jewish name that hides enormous energy. It is worth emphasizing that Michael’s name day and Angel’s Day are two completely different holidays. Name day is the day when the church remembers the saints after whom children are named, and on the day of the Angel the baptism of a child is celebrated. Michael's Day is celebrated every month and more than once, so parents can easily choose a name day for their child, the date of which is close to the baby's date of birth.

Angel Day is one of the most revered and great holidays for a believer. But for some reason there are few who celebrate it. Today, few people know the date of their Angel. These can be absolutely any numbers chosen spontaneously, or a number that, according to parents, is considered special for Baptism.

Some parents choose the day of their child's baptism on the day on which one of the saints was baptized. It is believed that the saint after whom the newborn is named will protect and look after him throughout his life: supposedly their souls are intertwined, and an inextricable connection is felt. The most popular dates when Michael is baptized:

The main event for every Misha is considered the day of the Angel, because it happens once a year and is dedicated only to him. Mish's name day is celebrated more than 90 times a year and is dedicated to the saints after whom the person was named.

The name has many translation options, one of which sounds like "equal to God". In fact, this translation is not reliable, since literally from the Hebrew language Michael is translated as “no one can be equal to God.” There is a second translation option - “asked from God.” In many European countries there are analogues of this wonderful name: for example, Michael, Mihai, Miguel, Michel - or, as is considered in Austria, Mitchell.

According to the church calendar, Michael’s name day falls on September 19, November 21, December 5 and 31. In September they remember the Archangel, December 5 is the name day in honor of Equal-to-the-Apostles Michael of Bulgaria, December 31 is famous for the day of the Venerable Confessor Michael of Constantinople.

Which name day date to choose depends on the child’s birthday. The closer the number is to the date of birth, the more correct:

Misha is a very beautiful and popular name today. In ancient times, it was believed that it contained some kind of magic and was pure and bright. It was given only to special children. Many years ago, ordinary peasants were not called Mikhails. This name was borne by clergy, and later by the children of princes.

People call on Archangel Michael when they need protection or mercy. They believe that he stands closer to God and is ready to stand up for his people.

Michael is a church name, so the baby’s name is not changed at baptism. Diminutive forms of names: Misha, Mishutka, Mishka, Mikhailik, Mikhas, Mikha. A child with this name grows up to be principled and fair. He will try to protect everyone and defend the rights of loved ones. It is believed that not a single evil spirit can resist this name, and it is difficult to spoil such a person, because the Archangel will always guide him on the true path.

Traditions and beliefs associated with this day differ slightly from country to country. For example, in Polesie he is considered the protector of the entire human people, and on the day of his memory they did not do anything that could offend him: they did not weave, did not chop wood, did not sew, did not knit, did not cut their hair.

In Belarus, it is believed that on this day all bears hibernate, and Misha’s day is officially considered the beginning of winter and the arrival of frost. A number of signs are associated with this: if the day is clear, then the winter will be frosty and cold, and if there is frost, then it will be snowy. If the day is shrouded in fog, you should expect a warm winter.

People also believed and still believe that a person with that name can tame the souls of the dead. Therefore, everyone celebrated his day, prayed to him and believed that an easy death awaited them.

The name has a special personal symbol - “he who besieges.” Therefore, a person always tries to fence life off from the bad and fights against evil. He is free-spirited, healthy and active. Despite the fact that Mikhail is a fighter for justice, he rarely puts himself in the place of others.

The owner of an analytical mind has notes of despotism in his character. But he always believes that he is acting for the benefit of everyone else, but he almost never thinks about whether others need it. He is not interested in other people's opinions, since he is sure that he knows everything better than anyone else.

He has a big sincere heart. He loves children and tries to help the elderly. In the field of medicine he can reach great heights - just like in trade. I'm not used to pleasing or pleasing anyone. A person named Mikhail is devoted to his principles and does not want, and sometimes cannot, violate them.

He is an honest and open person, a wonderful esthete. One of the main achievements for him is his family: next to him he needs a girl who is strong in spirit, but weak in appearance, who could put him in his place and explain that the whole world cannot dance to his tune.

A negative trait of his character can be narcissism, because the desire to become perfect sometimes takes on a manic character.

A man named Mikhail knows how to control his mind and feelings. He has an ability for exact sciences and possesses all the qualities of a real leader. The only obstacle to success at work is his tendency to live large. He is not a careerist, but thanks to his ability to analyze and find a common language with everyone, he moves up the career ladder without much difficulty.

In love, he is a reliable partner, but girls often break his heart. You need to take a closer look at the girls named Agata, Vera, Galina, Tatyana, Varvara. With them, you can have a happy marriage. But Antonina, Lena, Nina and Taisiya will not stay long in Mikhail’s life. In order to have good luck in life, you need to know your talismans:

Among the people with this name there are great and famous personalities. Mikhail Fridman (entrepreneur), Sholokhov (writer and public figure), Tsvet (biochemist and famous Russian botanist), Frunze (revolutionary, army commander during the Civil War, politician), Baryshnikov (ballet dancer), Larionov (graphic artist, painter), Gerasimov (archaeologist, scientist), Zharov (director and actor) and many others.

The owner of this beautiful name takes on the strengths of its original bearers. The child will grow up healthy, strong and independent, and in the future everyone will know about him.

Attention, TODAY only!

Mikhail is a strong and courageous Russian name, closely associated with Christianity. There are several versions of its origin and meaning. According to one of them, the name is translated from ancient Hebrew as “equal to God.” Others believe absolutely the opposite - “no one is equal to the Lord.” In this article we will find out when Michael’s name day is celebrated according to the church calendar, in honor of which saint and what character the birthday boy has.

Name analogues

In each country the name Mikhail sounds differently. For example, in Australia - Mitchell, but in the USA, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany and France you can meet Michael, Michel, Mihai, Migey. In Ukrainian the name sounds like Mikhailo. In addition, from the name Mikhail, whose name day is celebrated 67 times a year, some female names that are quite common in European countries are derived: Michaela, Michelle, Miguelina.


In fact, this name is very popular in many countries. Each one has its own history. So, in Russia it has become popular since 1910, and this is associated with Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich. Throughout the 20th century, the name maintained a leading position. So, in 2002 it was in 7th place in popularity. Meanwhile, in some Muslim countries it is not welcomed. This is due to the fact that according to their laws, it is undesirable to name a child after an archangel or angel.

Michael's Name Day

Typically, a person's angel day is celebrated on the day of his saint's celebration. In the monthly calendar there are 67 names of Michael. Here are the most important of them, and the rest of the dates are dedicated to the new martyrs.

Despite this, this name is most often associated with the Archangel Michael. It was he who overthrew Dennitsa and fought with the fallen angels. This is one of the most revered figures in many religions. If a person does not know in honor of which saint he should choose a name, he can do it himself. Whoever from this list seems closest to Mikhail is his patron.

Chief of the Seven Archangels

In a number of biblical books you can find information that Archangel Michael is the head of the holy army of angels and archangels. It should be understood that the name is not allocated as a separate structure. The entire expression “Archangel Michael” consists of 5 different words: “arch angel mi ka el”. It literally translates as “senior messenger like God.”

Of course, speaking about Michael’s name day, one cannot fail to mention that the Archangel is the most majestic and most important in the three main religions: Christianity, Islam, Judaism. Moreover, the first mentions of it can be found among the Chaldeans. He commands the angelic army, boldly fights with Satan, but at the same time he always guides those who have left the path of life and encourages them to take decisive action. The day of celebration of Michael's name day falls on Michael's Day - September 6 (19) and November 8 (21). You can turn to the most warlike archangel for help. He is believed to be the closest to God. People who sincerely pray to Archangel Michael always receive advice and help from him.

Little birthday boy

Mikhail is a very inquisitive, diligent and reasonable kid. He will get along well with both adults and children. Little Mishenka loves hugs and kisses, he simply needs his mother's love and care. From childhood, the baby grows up to be a real protector and warrior. He is brave and very responsible. In elementary school, Mikhail may begin to be lazy. At this moment it is very important to monitor his lessons. If you manage to instill a love of science from childhood, then Misha will happily attend school and do his homework. The child will grow up quite independent and a little stubborn. It should not be surprising that he will always have his own opinion on any event.

Negative traits

According to the church calendar, Michael’s name day is celebrated on November 21 in honor of the most warlike archangel. And therefore, of course, a guy with this name looks very brave and courageous. But despite this, Mikhail is very vulnerable. He has a hard time coping with losses and failures. He does not trust people and treats everyone with great caution. Misha does not like criticism and rarely returns to those who have already offended him once. Earning his trust is not easy, but it is quite possible. Don't be surprised that Mikhail will be wary of you at first. After some time, when he realizes that you are a good person, he will begin to trust you.

Love relationship

Finding a soul mate is not the most important thing for Mikhail. He is so charming that he is rarely deprived of the attention of women. But it’s quite difficult for him to decide on a serious relationship. He loves to flirt and be the center of attention. At the same time, he does not make empty promises and always sticks to his words. Mikhail is a good family man and father. He enjoys spending time with his family and making sure they don't need for anything. He will take care of his family, but at the same time he may be capable of treason. If the relationship between Mikhail and his wife cools down, he will not destroy the family, but will easily find solace on the side.

Positive features

According to the Orthodox calendar, Michael’s name day is celebrated 67 times a year, and this is due to the fact that many great people bore this proud name. For example, Mikhail Yaroslavich of Tverskoy is a Grand Duke who was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church even in 1549. Despite the fact that his forces were not enough, he bravely fought the Principality of Moscow and the Novgorod Republic.

So, it can be argued that Mikhail is very brave and fearless. He does not avoid conflict and rarely runs away from a fight. Men who proudly bear this name have a strong will and well-developed logical thinking. In addition, Michael may exhibit the gift of clairvoyance and excellent intuition.

Few people know, but Nostradamus, an astrologer famous for his prophecies, was called Michel, or in our opinion, Michael. Before he was recognized as a soothsayer, he suffered a lot of persecution and ridicule. Despite all this, he continued to predict people's destinies and publish annual almanacs.

But even if you question Nostradamus’s gift of clairvoyance, it’s hard to argue that he really was a great man. He was well acquainted with mathematics, medicine, astronomy, philosophy and spoke several languages ​​well. All this is excellent confirmation that Mikhail is a capable guy with great potential.

Day Angel

According to the Orthodox calendar, Michael’s name day is celebrated on November 21 (8 according to the old style). On this day, you should definitely go to church and pray to your patron. This is also a great time to rethink your life and draw the right conclusions. It is on the day of the angel that the connection between the birthday person and his saint is especially strong, prayers will be heard, and wishes will soon come true. The tradition of celebrating this day has been known for a long time, and the day of the angel was celebrated with special trepidation and anticipation. For every person, the meaning of his name and the day of the angel are very important. For a long time, children were given names from the calendar, and for good reason. By turning to your patron for help, you can really get it.


Michael (Hebrew: מִיכָאֵל‎, Michael) is a name of Jewish origin, widespread among Christian peoples, Jews and Muslims. Derived from Hebrew words. מי כמו אלוהים‎ (mi kmo elohim, abbreviated as “mi-ka-el”) - literally - “Who is like God?” or “Who is like God?” meaning “no one is equal to God.” Although the meaning of the name Michael is often interpreted in a non-questioning form: “Who is like God,” or “He who is like God.”

meaning, origin


Michael the Archangel, Archangel. In his honor, a cathedral of believers was built to glorify Archangel Michael and other heavenly powers, which he leads, on September 19 (6), November 21 (8). Michael of Bulgaria, Equal to the Apostles, Tsar (Baptist of Bulgaria), May 15 (2). Mikhail of Bulgaria, warrior, December 5 (November 22). Mikhail Vsevolodovich Cherny, Chernigov, prince, martyr, February 27 (14), October 3 (September 20). Mikhail of Zoviysky (Sevastian), abbot, martyr, October 14 (1). Mikhail of Kakheti, prince, martyr, November 30 (17). Michael of Kiev and All Rus', Metropolitan, October 13 (September 30). Mikhail Klopsky, Novgorodsky, Fool for Christ's sake. From the family of the great princes of Moscow. He lived for forty-four years in great exploits and foolishness in the Klopsky monastery near Novgorod (XV century), January 24 (11). Mikhail Malein, abbot, July 25 (12). Mikhail Mstislavich of Kiev, Smolensk, Grand Duke, March 27 (14). Mikhail Muromsky, prince, June 3 (May 21). Michael Savvait, Edessa, Chernorizets, venerable martyr, June 5 (May 23), August 11 (July 29). Michael of Sinad (Phrygian), bishop, confessor, June 5 (May 23). Michael Singell (assistant bishop), Constantinople, venerable, confessor, December 31 (18). Michael of Ulumbia, venerable, one of the founders of Georgian monasticism, May 20 (7). Mikhail Yaroslavich Tverskoy, Grand Duke, December 5 (November 22).

name day, patron saints


name zodiac



Sea green, red. The main color is blue. There is also a dark red stripe.

name color


Linden, elm, strawberry



Tiger, bear



Will, activity, sexuality

main features


A diverse personality, he often judges people by himself or some of his own criteria.


Mikhail often acts as a fighter for justice and the eradication of shortcomings in other people. In his youth he is naive and overly kind; as he gets older, he still “wipes himself off” and adapts to life, but he cannot be called a cynic. He is also very generous and does not spare the last for people. He has an impeccable attitude towards a woman, as a creature that needs male protection. Many people use this.

name and character


He is prone to excessive idealism, and therefore he will have plenty of disappointments in life. It is best for him to choose a profession that will help fulfill his need to protect the weak and eradicate negativity, otherwise he will be deeply unhappy.


Stable. He is generally stress-resistant. However, behind external well-being and a smile, real suffering is often hidden.


It is very well developed and is widely used in everyday life.



He has a logical mind, he also has a high level of intelligence, but he will never learn to think abstractly.



Very high level of morality. He treats parents and older people with respect. Always fulfills their wishes, not considering it whims.



She has very good health and can easily withstand any injuries. But its weak point is the heart and circulatory system.



Very sensitive and sensual. Loves affection, but not only receives, but also gives. Oddly enough, but sex is given quite a lot of attention. Having sexual harmony



Mikhail is a good husband and father. He can have many children, but only on condition that his wife completely suits him, and especially sexually. Despite his love for the opposite sex and sincere belief in their defenselessness, Mikhail is very demanding of his chosen one. He is quite difficult to please. But if you succeed, you can rest on your laurels for the rest of your life. Mikhail is very faithful if he is happy with everything.

According to the church calendar, the date of celebration of Michael’s name day falls on November 21. Michaelmas Day, when gifts are brought to the so-called courtyard or house-elf and greet the winter, has very ancient roots and found its place among the Eastern Slavs. Today this date is of great importance for Christians and it is timed to coincide with the Orthodox holiday “The Council of the Archangel Michael,” which was established in honor of the angels revered by Orthodox believers.

Below you can view a list of dates that are dedicated to this name.

Angel Michael's Day according to the church calendar

All numbers of Michael's name day in the year:

  • January 14 is the day of the martyr Michael
  • January 24 - the day is dedicated to St. Michael of Klopsky (Novgorod)
  • February 27 – Righteous Prince Mikhail of Chernigov
  • March 23 is the day of the martyr Michael of Thessalonica
  • March 27 – we celebrate the day of the blessed prince the great Rostislav - Mikhail
  • April 29 is the day of the martyr Mikhail Vourliot
  • May 15 – name day of Prince Boris, baptized by Mikhail
  • June 3 – name day of Prince Mikhail of Murom
  • June 5 – the name days of two Michaels are celebrated, the Venerable Michael the Confessor, as well as the Venerable Martyr Michael the Monk
  • June 28 - the wonderworker of all Rus', the first Metropolitan of Kyiv, St. Michael
  • July 12 – Martyr Michael the Gardener of Athens
  • July 16 is the day of Blessed Michael of Solvychegodsk
  • July 17 – name day of the Archbishop of Athens, St. Michael
  • July 25 is the day of St. Michael Maleip
  • August 11 - the name day of the Venerable Martyr Michael is celebrated
  • September 9 is the day named after the holy martyr Michael of the Resurrection Stefan (Nemkov)
  • September 19 is the day named after the Archangel Michael
  • October 3 is the day of the martyr and confessor, wonderworker of the blessed Prince Mikhail of Chernigov
  • October 13 – name day for the first Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Rus', St. Michael
  • October 14 – the name day of Abbot Zoviysky, the Venerable Martyr Michael is celebrated
  • October 15 - Martyr Michael of Kazan
  • November 21 – Council of the Archangel Michael and other heavenly powers, as well as the New Martyr Michael of Chernigov, Blessed
  • December 5 is the name day of the blessed prince, martyr Mikhail of Tverskoy, and the righteous warrior Mikhail
  • December 31 is the day named after Michael the Confessor

Mikhail: the meaning of the name, character and fate

Michael - this name in the ancient Hebrew language means “equal to God” or “like God.” This name is widespread in Europe in various varieties: Michael, Michel, Mihai.

People with this name often try to please others and live in harmony with them. Mikhail can choose something for a long time and think carefully about everything when making a decision. Very often Mikhail is a good friend and comrade. He is honest and hospitable.

Mikhail has a very good sense of aesthetics. They are well versed in art and beauty. The negative side can be narcissism and the desire to achieve perfection (sometimes this manifests itself in a manic form).

Mikhail always has a desire to find his true love. He always puts family first, not work. But despite this, a person with this name often becomes a doctor, lawyer or teacher.