Dasha's name day, congratulations to Daria. Daria's name day - dates of memory and descriptions of the lives of saints named Daria Congratulations to Daria on her name day

    Day Angel person named celebrated once a year. And according to the church calendar Daria's day is March 31, in honor of the Great Martyr Daria of Rome.

    In many European countries, such as Greece, it is not customary to celebrate birthdays, but rather Angel Day or Name Day.

    A very beautiful name Daria (in Farsi, strong, victorious). And not at all from the word Gift, as I thought before. Daria has three Angel Days. Two of them are very close - in April - 1st and 4th. And one - in August, 17. The one closest to the birthday is usually celebrated.

    Daria is a very beautiful female name, strong and possessing wealth.

    Name days are not the first of April, the fourth of April and the seventeenth of August.

    Name characteristics:

    • neat
    • dreamy
    • active
    • does not tolerate monotony
    • charming
    • won't admit his mistakes
    • proud
    • open and simple-minded
    • knows how to keep secrets
  • It's Daria's Angela Day(name days) are celebrated three times a year:

    Girls with the name Daria have the following angel days in the year: March fourteenth, April first, April fourth, August seventeenth and eighteenth. According to Orthodoxy, this day is celebrated on the first of April.

    They say that everyone has their own personal protector saint, whose name you were named at birth. And you should honor your saint, even if you don’t celebrate your name day.

    The beautiful name Daria also has patron saints - Daria. Usually the date of one's name day is chosen according to the date of veneration of the saint. This date should be as close as possible to your birthday.

    For convenience, I provide a list of the magnification of St. Daria throughout the year.

    The name Daria is the feminine version of the name of the Persian king Darius. Daria's Angel Day (name day) is celebrated three times a year -

    • April 1 - in memory of the martyr Daria of Rome;
    • April 4 - in memory of the martyr Daria;
    • August 16th - in memory of the Righteous Daria.
  • This female name is ancient Persian, in church form it sounds like Daria.

    The name day of the owner of this name is on the following days - in the spring - March 14, April 1, April 4. And in the summer - in August on the 17th and 18th.

    Unfortunately, information about the day of the angel Daria had to be collected bit by bit, and yet several questions still remain unclear: are Saint Daria and Righteous Daria the same person or not? And if we assume that we are talking about the same canonized saint, why, with the exception of scant information that this woman died for the Christian faith in the 2nd century, is there anything else anywhere?

    Thus, after quite a lot of research, I managed to find out that Daria’s name day is celebrated five times:

    • March 14 (1) - the Orthodox Church remembers novice Daria Petrovna Zaitseva, who went through the horror of NKVD interrogations for preaching the Word of God, but did not break down and was shot in 1938;

    • April 1 (March 19) is the day of remembrance of the martyr Daria of Rome, who, together with her husband Chrysanthus, brought a new religion to the inhabitants of Italy, and who, by order of Emperor Numerian (283-284), were subjected to severe torture, and after that they were buried alive;

    • April 4 (March 22), and August 17 (4) - Saint-Righteous Daria is commemorated (see above);
    • August 18 (5) - two righteous women of Daria are immediately remembered - Timolina and Siushinskaya, who led an unusually pious life and did not accept Soviet orders, for which they were executed on that day along with two other virgin novices of the Diveyevo monastery - Evdokia and Maria.

Choosing a name for a child is a responsible matter. Now many are trying to choose the name that corresponds to the time of his birth according to the Saints, so that the child has the opportunity to celebrate the day of the angel. Almost all popular names appear several times in the Orthodox church calendar. The name Daria (Darina) is no exception. Daria also celebrates name day more than once a year, when saints or martyrs with the same name are commemorated.

Choosing the name Daria - reasons

Meaning of the name

The name Daria is very popular now: it is pleasant to the ear, melodious, gentle. You can come up with many diminutive options: Dasha, Dashenka, Daryushka, Dashunya, Dashuta, Danya, Danyasha, Daryunya, Darinka. The meaning of this name is also incredibly symbolic. There are two options:

  • translated from the Slavic language “Daria” is a gift, a gift (it is clear that the birth of a sweet girl is a real gift from God); perhaps this is a female version of the male name Dorotheus;
  • translated from Irish “Daria” (feminine - Darren) is a rocky mountain, strong, stable;
  • translated from Persian and Greek (masculine - Darius, feminine - Darios) “Daria” is the winner, the ruler, the owner of goods.

In general, in Greek there are many options and variations of the modern female name Dasha. For example, Dar is in Greek mythology the son of the god Zeus and the galaxy of Electra, the legendary king, the founder of an entire state - Dardania, and the priest Dares (at the Temple of Hephaestus) went down in history as one of the first to describe the battle of Troy (even before Homer).

There are names that sound similar and in Japanese mythology: Daruma is a saint who fulfills wishes and brings happiness. The name Dasha is also found in the Indian Ramayama. That was the name of the legendary king, who became the founder of an entire dynasty of gods; he was the ancestor of Rama himself.

It is still unclear how so many purely masculine names were transformed into a gentle and soft Slovenian name. But, one way or another, this transformation took place.

Under the Orthodox faith, Dash girls are called Darii.

Name and character

Many Dashas are similar to each other. Probably, the name really influences the character and destiny.

Daria is a strong name. That is why its owners can be harsh, impulsive, and categorical in their judgments. They often say what they think and this negatively affects their relationships with people around them.

On the other hand, Dashas are very active, hardworking, energetic and determined. Dashas cope well with any work and can do several things at once. Dashas never give up on a task without completing it; they are very demanding of themselves and those around them.

Almost all Dashas love good company, travel and a good time. They are wonderful wives and housewives, very loving mothers. For almost all Dash, family and friends come first.

Dashas love to cook, travel, and learn something new. Almost all of them are creative and charismatic personalities. They may well succeed as actresses, teachers, translators, and can become good psychologists. Any career will be given to girls and with a truly royal name it’s easy and simple. They are tough, demanding, but fair leaders.


Darius has many different talismans. The color red suits them very well, although they don’t like it, “their” stone is the mysterious bloodstone, the flower is the anemone, and the tree is the rowan. The element of Dash is fire, and its patron is the “warlike” planet Mars.

The name Daria in the Orthodox tradition

Daria's name day according to the church calendar (saints)

When is Daria's name day?? All those named Darius celebrate their name day (angel day) several times a year. Naturally, the main name days must correspond to the date of birth according to the calendar. Name day (angel day) falls on

Angel Daria's Day according to the church calendar (main) falls on April 1. On April 1, the Orthodox Church commemorates the holy martyrs Chrysanthus and Darya. Chrysanthus is an educated young man from a wealthy Roman family who turned to Christianity after reading the Gospel and the Lives of the Holy Apostolic Fathers. His father did not accept his son’s decision and, wanting to corrupt him, married him to a pagan girl named Daria, who for a long time was a priestess in the temple of Athena Palada. However, the young man managed to convince his wife that that faith in one God will save her soul. Daria converted to Christianity and began to live with Chrysanthus as sister and brother.

Chrysanthus and Daria openly preached Christianity. For this, King Numerian ordered them to be tortured and executed. Their executioner, Claudius, surprised by the patience and courage of Chrysanthus and Daria and the miracles that the martyrs performed, himself converted to Christianity along with his entire family. For this, he and his sons were also executed, and his wife died after praying at the place of their execution.

Daria endured the torment very steadfastly, the pagans even began to call her the goddess before whom death retreats. Finally, King Numerian ordered Chrysanthus and Darius to be covered alive with sand and stones.

There was a cave next to their grave, where representatives of the Christian community came to a prayer service to honor the memory of the newly deceased martyrs. One day, during a service, angry pagans blocked the entrance to the cave with stones, thereby dooming all the people there to death. At the site of the death of Chrysanthus and Daria and all those who suffered for them, a temple will later be erected. Chrysanthus and Darius died for their faith in 283 AD.

There are other Christian Dariuses in history who performed martyrdoms during their faith.

What to give Daria for her name day

On Orthodox name days(angel day) it is customary to give gifts. Darius is not very picky. They value good attitude, kindness, and sincerity. Material gifts are not so valuable to them. Darius will rejoice

  • good book
  • dinner at a restaurant,
  • traveling together (even if it’s a trip to a nearby lake or forest).

Daria is calm and friendly. On Daria's name day, the day of the angel, they must visit the temple, stand for the service, light a candle at the icon of St. Daria, leave a note about good health and a thank you note.

Darina and Daria - Orthodox names, enshrined in the calendar. They are not changed when a child is baptized. Interestingly, this name sounds the same in many languages. In Spanish, Polish, and German the name sounds like Daria, in English there is the name Dora, in Chinese it is Dalia. Only when translated into Japanese, Daria's name sounds like Ohiko.

Meaning of the name: translated from Persian as “mistress”. Daria is growing up as an impulsive and active girl. She loves to be the center of attention of her peers. Daria will never allow anyone to offend her, she will always be able to protect herself. Daria loves order; her desk is never cluttered. Daria studies well, although she does not show much interest in studying. She lacks special perseverance and hard work. Daria has a lot of talents. Loves handicrafts. He can try himself as an insurer, journalist and psychologist. Daria is an active, determined, cheerful girl. She always looks to the future, always erases sad memories from her life and never looks back. As a rule, Daria has excellent relationships with her husband’s relatives. She loves to receive guests, run the house, and raise children.

Darling, Daria, you are beautiful, no doubt about it,
You are worthy of admiration, it's no secret
Congratulations on your name day,
We sincerely wish you success in everything.
May bad weather pass you by,
On life's long journey,
With all our hearts we wish you happiness,
Bright and great love.

With a special feeling, on the day of the angel,
I wish you happy years, Daria,
Health, peace, joy, patience,
New ups and big victories.
I wish your dreams to come true,
And the heart beats for a long time,
May your name day be a happy holiday,
They will add variety to your life.

Happy name day, Daria, we are happy to congratulate you,
Meeting you is a reward for us,
You are like the sun always shining,
A creative smile is radiant and pure.
Let your life bloom like a rose,
May you always be lucky in everything,
I wish you good health from the bottom of my heart,
May all your dreams certainly come true.

Daria, we congratulate you!
May it be on Angel's day, now,
Everything we wish for you
It will come true for you soon!
Be happy and brave
Joyful, kind always,
Steer your life skillfully
So that you never be sad!

Daria from Persian - “power and victory”,

But I don’t have the strength to be offended by her,

Any quarrel with her is immediately forgotten!

We would like to congratulate Daria today,
Make your name day unforgettable.
It’s nice to bring us joy to Daria,
Celebrate her holiday noisily and cheerfully.
Daria is our leader, she started things in business.
Apparently, Dashenka’s name gives her strength.
Daria from Persian - “power and victory”
Since childhood, Dashul has been a restless person.
Forces everyone to be taken into account,
But I don’t have the strength to be offended by her,
So spontaneous, open to the world,
Any quarrel with her is immediately forgotten!
Daria, we congratulate you on Angel’s Day!
We wish you happiness, love and success!
Be your Angel forever cherished
Just as we always love you!

I want Dasha to become
Smarter and more beautiful day by day,
She was healthy and rosy,
And not the capricious Nesmeyanaya.
I studied only "excellently"
Striving for foreign glory,
Lived without benefit and falsehood
And she knew how to respect her elders.

Today is Dasha's name day,
Which means it’s our name day,
After all, Dasha’s holiday is annual,
Fit for all her friends.
Though she has energy and strength,
In any work do not borrow,
We are cheerful, kind, sweet to her,
We wish you to become patient.
Victory is not easy -
It's not easy to succeed in life.
And he will achieve a lot in life,
The one who learns to endure!
The smile of our Dasha,
Just cuter and more beautiful.

Ah, Daria! The name is sonorous,
Like the song of a nightingale!
Daria has a delicate soul,
But there is strength.
Energy and strength
She really has nothing to do with it,
But my dear, be patient
We wish to become.
And if it really comes down to it
Dasha will suddenly take over,
He will do everything skillfully
And he can do it for two.
Live happily, Daryushka!
Your soul is bright!
Hospitable hostess,
Always be good!

Oh Daria, always win
Beauty, intelligence and inspiration,
Happy faces
And a spirit as bright as a star.
And may on your journey, Daria,
Blueness will not become gloomy.

I'm not afraid to tell everyone,
I'm so proud of you!
Do you know how to knit and sew
And you know how to love us,
Good, our joy,
My affectionate Dasha!
Loving you with all my heart

Since childhood, Daria has shown her leadership qualities. She organizes games, comes up with rules that everyone plays by. Moreover, Dasha is often the initiator of all conflicts. She is prone to hasty conclusions and makes decisions thoughtlessly, which later causes her to suffer. Being alone is the biggest punishment for Daria. She should always be surrounded by her friends and acquaintances. Due to his restlessness and impatience, he is not particularly successful in his studies. The only thing that helps her get good grades no matter what is the ability to get out of any situation.

He always looks good, takes care of himself and dresses well. She is very jealous, so she chooses only a proven man as her husband. Believes that in marriage people should give themselves completely to each other. Will not forgive betrayal. He loves the comfort of home and therefore diligently maintains it. Daria is very straightforward, expressing her opinion to her face. She believes that this method is much more honest than remaining silent and harboring hostility.

Fate: Daria is smart, impulsive in her actions. She is accustomed to organization and perseverance. Daria attracts people to her because she is very easy to communicate and non-conflict.

Angel Daria Day

A very sonorous and very beautiful, energetically powerful ancient name. Its roots go so deep into the past that it is difficult to even determine its origin. It is usually interpreted as the feminine form of the name of three kings of the ancient Persian dynasty (VI-IV centuries BC), who entered our history as Darius (ancient Greek Dareiros). Translated from Persian, Daria means (literally) strong, conquering.

In Greek mythology, the name Dar (dan), similar in sound and meaning, belongs to the son of the supreme god Zeus and the galaxy of Electra Dar (dan) founded the city of the same name and ruled in it. Subsequently, Dar (dan) founded a number of cities - the Dardania region.

In Greece of those times, another Darius (Dares, Daret) is known - a priest at the temple of the god of fire and blacksmithing, Hephaestus. Dares entered ancient history as one of the first (pre-Homeric) authors of the famous poem about the Trojan battle of the Hellenes - the Iliad. The name with the root “gift” - Daruma - is also revered in Japan as a saint who brings happiness and fulfills wishes.

A name closer in sound to the modern Daria - Dasa (Dasya, Dasyu) is also known in India. Here it belongs to demons, and Dasha (ratha) in India is the ancient name of a king who was the father of a large dynasty of gods, including Rama, one of the most revered gods in India.

However, all these names - our Daria's great-great-grandfathers - belong to men everywhere. How and why in our time it has turned into the tender Dashenka is difficult to say. Maybe thanks to the “sunny” auspicious Rama? In principle, now it no longer matters. Among the Eastern Slavs, Dasha is one of the most popular names, at all times, including at the beginning of the third millennium.

Modern Daryushkas are mostly self-confident, independent, proud women with an integral nature. They never “spray” themselves over trifles - they know how to set a clear goal for themselves, determine methods (and worthy ones) for achieving it. Dasha has been organized since childhood, loves order and cleanliness in the house. Don’t think that Dashenka is a bore. No, this is a cheerful, kind, ordinary girl. Only she knows how to fend for herself on her own, without mom and dad. She will not “reach” for a word in her pocket where it is necessary to put a boorish wit in her place.

She is not an excellent student, but she studies well and does not cram, as she has a good memory and can quickly grasp the essence of things. Therefore, she achieves much greater success in the professional field than some excellent students. Dasha is not a prude. She will not gossip about other people's past sins. For her, the main thing is what kind of person is now, what kind of person he is in general: evil or fair, kind or greedy. The family has a wonderful housewife, wife and mother. Hospitable, loves to have fun. Knows how to create a festive atmosphere.

Daria Name Day according to the Church Calendar

  • March 14 – Daria (Zaitseva), prmts. /novomuch./
  • April 1 – Darius of Rome, mts.
  • April 4 – Daria, mts.
  • August 17 – Daria
  • August 18 – Daria (Siushinskaya), mts. /novomuch./; Daria (Timolina), MC. /novomuch./