Scenarios about the virtues faith hope love. Extracurricular activity on literature

1. Introduce students to the traditions of celebrating summer holidays and universal Indian name days, which are celebrated on September 30.

2. Develop a sense of beauty and spirituality

Equipment: decorated stage (autumn landscape); baskets with apples, nuts, a barrel of honey, angel costumes, multimedia installation.

Venue: Assembly Hall of the ATZhT - chairs are arranged in a semicircle.



Scenario for the holiday “Faith, Hope, Love...”

O.I. Zdyumaeva – teacher of special disciplines

E.A. Malyshkina - English teacher

branch of GUPS itself in Alatyr


1. Introduce students to the traditions of celebrating summer holidays and universal Indian name days, which are celebrated on September 30.

2. Develop a sense of beauty and spirituality

Equipment: decorated stage (autumn landscape); baskets with apples, nuts, a barrel of honey, angel costumes, multimedia installation.

Venue: Assembly Hall of the ATZhT - chairs are arranged in a semicircle.

Video with the verse “3 candles”

On the stage presenters appear (boy and girl)

IN 1:

Dear guests! We are glad to see you in this hall!

Today is September 30th. In the folk calendar in Rus', this has always been a big autumn women's holiday. It was celebrated on the day of the martyrs Faith, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia.

We invited you to celebrate it together.

Every month of the year is rich in holidays. What did September give us?

Performance of the song “Autumn” - Lyceum group

AT 2:

Summer is over. The summer rescues have died down. Saved from the word Savior. The word saved refers to three summer holidays dedicated to Jesus Christ (the Savior). They are celebrated in August: honey, apple, nut. It is nature that gives us its riches.


Student 1

The first one saved

Only in summer every year

Bees carry honey into the hive.

Golden, fragrant, sweet.

It contains medicines, vitamins

For colds and sore throats.

Do you want to be strong?

So we must love honey

Student 2

The second one saved

The apples are ripe in the garden,

People gathered in the temple...

I will come to him today

With ripe fruits

And I will distribute them, like every year,

Never missed a beat...

May happiness come to us today!

And Happy Apple Savior to you!

Student 3

The third one saved

Summer rolled by unnoticed

In trouble, and now the Third Savior.

The hot season gave me for this -

Bread, gifts of nature in reserve.

Between the oak groves the hazel tree ripens,

It weighs in clusters of yellow leaves.

Cold August beckons to the forest

He will bestow generous gifts.

(with background music - there is a treat with the gifts of autumn)

IN 1 :

Autumn is the harvest of a new harvest, and of course, the holidays associated with it

AT 2:

September is the first month of autumn. People called him Veresen, because... at this time the heather blooms, and also the mountain ash because the rowan ripens

IN 1 :.And this time is also called “Indian Summer.”

This is a time of special light,

Dim sun, gentle heat.

It's called Indian Summer

And in delight he argues with spring itself.

Already sitting on my face carefully

Flying soft web...

How the belated birds sing loudly,

How loudly and tenderly the rowan trees burn

Performance of the song “Indian Summer Has Been Noisy” - N. Kadysheva

The blue evening has fallen again,

The wind cries and knocks on the window,

And in the soul, how fast, lonely and dark.


Apparently the Indian summer has died down

The nightingale whistled in the garden,

You left me without an answer

I won't come to you today

Dear wind, don’t cry, don’t,

I just wish I could survive the winter,

I will pass without lowering my gaze,

And I will never be sad.


I'm not expecting any answer

Stupid wind, I won't get lost

It's a pity that Indian summer has died down,

The nightingale whistled in the garden

Chorus -2 times

AT 3:

8 September - feast of the holy martyrs Andrian and Natalia. People call this day “Natalia – fescue”. We congratulated all Natalia!!!

IN 1:

September 21 The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a great Christian holiday.

AT 2:

September 27 - a big holiday - the Exaltation of the Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord is also a serious date for Christianity.

IN 1:

It was believed that from this day autumn turned to winter. The bear settles into a den, ants clog the entrances and exits. And people begin to chop and pickle cabbage for the winter and stock up.

AT 2:

And in September, one berry ripens, and that bitter one is rowan. Our ancestors decorated the porch and windows with rowan. They squeezed the juice, which has miraculous powers - it preserved the entire supply of vitamins during the winter and helped with colds.

(Video about the lives of the holy martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia).

It is proposed to invite a priest to this event (to give a short sermon)

Dance of angels with candles – (under the video there is a video with poems and the song “Faith, Hope, Love”)

IN 1 :

Name days have quietly entered our lives. What are name days and how do they differ from birthdays?

We are all waiting for Angel Day and do not skimp on congratulations.


Student 1


A person cannot live without faith,

Criteria and measures are collapsing

All the foundations of human existence...

We cannot live without our Faith,

There is no one more tender, more intelligent, more beautiful,

With Vera, everything goes smoothly,

Everyone is happy to work with her.

Rowan berries burn in autumn

On the day when Vera has a name day,

Congratulations on her holiday,

Fun, heartfelt, hot!

Student 2


And again the Angels are trumpeting,

To remember three girls:

Nadezhda, Vera and Lyubasha -

Their names contain the basis of life:

We served our Fatherland with faith!

Life begins in love,

Dreams are associated with hope.

And it’s impossible to live without a dream

It’s difficult for us to live without our Nadia

We love her, respect her,

We consider her the best friend.

Hope fills us again

Hope for the cherished hour.

Since Nadya lives among us

She will bring us happiness!

And we congratulate hope

And on her name day we wish her

To be our earthly compass

And a golden talisman!

Student 3


And again the Angels are trumpeting,

To remember three girls:

Nadezhda, Vera and Lyubasha -

We went to death for our faith!

Their names contain the basis of life:

We served our Fatherland with faith!

Life begins in love,

Dreams are associated with hope.

But still the main thing is Love!

What brings life back again...

Where is Lyuba - wait for a miracle again

She has such power! And where?

Then the Angel creates a name

Goodness inspires as it beckons,

People are attracted to Lyuba,

And she is sweet and loving to everyone.

So bright is the holiday - name day!

Be our Lyubochka beloved

And guarded by your Angel!

Student 4


All people know that Sophia is wisdom.

Sophia is revered and hearts are opened to her

Without hiding feelings, everything to the end.

Solve other people's problems

Changes scare us -

Sophia needs stability,

So that she is happy.

On her day we wish an angel

So that any issue can be resolved.

So that Sophia with her wisdom

Saved myself and people

So that the Angel protects Sonechka,

He gave her new strength,

And would strengthen Sonya’s spirit,

Saved me from troubles and mental anguish.

Performance of the song “Faith, Hope, Love” - D. Kharatyan

In custody:

In addition to good wishes, I would like to give gifts to our birthday people, those who are patronized by the Holy Martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia, and for whom today, September 30, is a great personal holiday!

Scenario of the concert program “Faith, Hope, Love”

Goals: expand children's knowledge about the holiday, its history and origins
Foster respect for church holidays
create a festive mood

The lights in the hall are turned off, a holiday screensaver is projected on the screen,
At 12:00 a video starts with music playing in the background and the presenter reads a poem

September. Thirtieth. Autumn Ball.
The top of heaven is a sacred ritual,
My angel is forever young, white-winged
To the pure sound of an unpretentious soul,
With a prayer-spell from words
About Faith and Hope and Love,
Wings spread into waiting palms
Each one will drop a feather -
Divine, treasured talisman
To the distant light, to the righteous fog:
So that Vera does not stumble over unbelief,
Trading gains for losses,
And so that Nadezhda does not lose strength
Among the silence and alien lights,
Well, Love would hover above fate
Let weak and confused, but alive,
So that the Trinity with undying fire
Cold night, stormy day
Holyly illuminated the earthly vale
On a road without end and without beginning.
Oh, faithful angel, today is your hour -
Give for life, for tomorrow, in reserve,
So that after, in September, you inevitably Breathe Love, Faith and Hope.
The light turns on. To the same music - children come up on stage
Number – “Faith, hope, love”

Leading output
presenter. – Vocal ensemble “Medunitsa”, director Faina Gorbunova, accompanist Ilyas Galimzyanov! Your applause!
presenter. - Good afternoon dear friends! We welcome everyone gathered in the hall today! On this beautiful Sunday, the entire Christian world celebrates the day of remembrance of the four holy martyrs Vera Nadezhda Lyubov and their mother Sophia. Four saints, three beautiful names and three Christian postulates: faith, hope and love. Symbols that are dear to every person on earth, symbols on which not only relationships between people rest, but also life itself, our concert program is dedicated to them. The rector of St. Nicholas Church, Father Dmitry, came to congratulate us all on the bright holiday of faith, hope and love.
Word from Father Dmitry

Presenter. – Thank you very much for your kind words! I ask you to take your place of honor in the festive hall.
Faith is the main Christian virtue, which consists in the voluntary consent of the human will to accept the Truth. Faith is perhaps a universal characteristic of human nature and the most important component of man; it penetrates into all elements of his life, helps and supports. Today the vocal and instrumental ensemble “Harmony” will sing for us about faith in the beautiful and bright feeling of friendship. Leader Olesya Pryakhina, accompanist Natalya Miretskaya
Room – “Land of Flowers”
presenter. - Don’t leave your heart, faith,
When my soul weakens,
When a holiday day suddenly turns gray
And he will become bitter before me.
Don't leave me in trouble
When the blood runs cold from grief,
Shine as a saving star,
Hope, faith and love!
Music And the words of Irina Boldysheva, Anastasia Pisarevskaya sings for you
Director Faina Gorbunova accompanist Ilyas Galimzyanov
Room – “Virgin Mother of God”

Presenter. - Whoever lives with Vera will never retreat,
No trouble will break him,
He will endure everything and achieve victory,
And he will be happy everywhere and always.
Vocal ensemble "Medunitsa" RNP on stage
Room – “In the pockets”

Vocal ensemble "Medunitsa" Faina Gorbunova, accompanist Ilyas Galimzyanov
presenter. - Hope is one of the main Christian virtues. Hope encourages the spirit, inspires deeds, helps to move forward and not lose heart. For you on stage is the vocal and instrumental ensemble “Harmony”
Room – “Swing”

Vocal and instrumental ensemble “Harmony” Olesya Pryakhina con. Natalia Miretskaya
presenter. - Three faithful words live in our hearts.
These words were sent to us by the Lord -
Faith, Hope, Love - this is the basis
To all our creations and our deeds.
Nadezhda is our faithful companion in life.
She never lets you get discouraged.
You will fulfill any desire with her,
If you will always be faithful.
presenter. - RNP Performed by the vocal duet “Ivan da Marya”
Number – “Oh, you’re a little nightie”

Pisarevskaya Anastasia and Ratushny Yakov, director. Faina Gobunova, con. Ilyas Galimzyanov

Presenter. - She has the power of deep loyalty
There is a wonderful moment of celebration in it,
Quiet, bright-eyed doves
Divine and eternal face.
Piano duet on stage
room – “Krakowiak”

Presenter. - Love is the queen of virtue, the main and strongest of all the pillars of the Christian faith. We can talk about it endlessly, every person whose heart is touched by this feeling is elevated in spirit, because if love lives in the heart, then God lives in the heart. The soloist of the vocal and instrumental ensemble “Harmony”, director Olesya Pryakhina, and accompanist Natalya Miretskaya, will perform a song about the great and holy mother’s love. Nenets folk song
Room - “The Joy of Mothers”

Presenter. - May your cherished dreams come true,
Wishes for peace and goodness,
So that everyone is friendly, nice,
Healthy and happy on earth!
For all those gathered in the hall, Pisarevskaya Anastasia and Ratushny Yakov, and together the vocal duet “Ivan da Marya” will perform the RNP
Number – “Oh, Ivan, are you Ivan”
Vocal duet “Ivan and Marya” Faina Garbunova con. Ilyas Galimzyanov
presenter. - Faith, Hope and Love, they are inseparable! Inseparable from the soul and heart of a person, inseparable from each other - There is no love without hope, there is no hope without love, there is no both without faith, like three sisters they are always there. May love always reign in your home, may faith live in your soul, and may a bright ray of hope shine on your path. And the Vocal Ensemble “Medunitsa” will give us all a good mood with their creativity on this Sunday.
Room – “Balalaika”
hands Faina Gorbunova accompanist Ilyas Galimzyanov
Our concert program is coming to an end. We thank the branch of the Nadym Museum of History and Archeology - the House of Nature - for their help in creating the concert. Have a bright day, warm feelings and good mood. Goodbye, see you again!!!

(poems are heard in the background of music)

In my young years,

You have known death and blood.

Girls, Sisters, Saints -

Faith Hope Love.

All sorts of troubles happened -

But in Rus' again and again

They called their daughters

Faith Hope Love.

If misfortune is at your doorstep,

Prepare your soul for the fight

And call for help -

Faith, Hope, Love.

You won’t find it in the human heart, -

Live a century on earth,


And more beautiful and higher

Faith, Hope, love.

1. From history

IN 1. In the Orthodox Church there is a tradition of giving every person at birth the name of a saint, who becomes his heavenly patron.

- Today we dedicate our event to the saints - Faith, Nadezhda, Lyubov and Sophia, who suffered for their faith in Christ in 137. And the guest of our event is the rector of the Intercession Church, Father Sergius.

AT 2. The holy martyrs Faith, Hope and Love were almost your age. Vera was only 12 years old, Nadezhda was 10, and Lyubov was 9. Their father died, and their mother Sofia raised the girls. She raised them to be real Christians.

They lived quietly and happily. Other people in everyday life did not understand such a life, and they reported to the emperor that Faith, Hope. Love and their mother are Christians. The emperor ordered the sisters to be brought to him. When he saw the three little sisters, he thought: “They cannot be Christians, their Probably someone was tricked into converting to the Christian faith, we need to convince them to renounce Christ.”

IN 1. The emperor sent the girls and their mother to a rich woman for several days so that she could persuade them to turn away from God. This woman gave the sisters comfortable rooms and treated them to delicious food, but they refused to eat. The girls understood that they were facing a feat of martyrdom. They decided to die, but not to renounce Christ, and therefore they constantly prayed to God to grant them the strength to endure suffering courageously.

AT 2. A few days later, the sisters again appeared before the emperor. When the emperor learned that the girls had not renounced Christ, he tried to subject them to torture, one after another. And he left the mother with the most terrible torment - seeing the unbearable suffering of her children. Vera was the first to be brought to the emperor.

Make a sacrifice to the great goddess Artemis,” the emperor commanded her, “and I will set you free.”

It’s better for me to die,” Vera answered firmly, “I’m a Christian and I worship Jesus Christ, but I won’t worship the demon.”

Then the emperor ordered her to be beaten with iron rods. Then Vera was thrown into a vat of boiling resin, but she came out of there alive and unharmed. Seeing that no amount of torture could force the girl to sacrifice to Artemis, the emperor ordered her head to be cut off.

IN 1. The tormentors of firmness did not crush the second girl, Nadezhda, inspired by the courage of her older sister. They beat her and scraped her body with iron claws. A wonderful fragrance emanated from the streams of the martyr’s blood. She, like Vera, was thrown into a cauldron of boiling tar. The cauldron fell into pieces, and the resin burned the fire. Hope remained unharmed. Then the emperor ordered her to be executed with a sword. She hugged her mother and sister and fearlessly bowed her head under the sword.

AT 2 Then the emperor began to convince his younger sister, Lyubov, to worship the pagan gods and thereby save his life.

You don’t have to make a sacrifice, just say: “Great is the goddess Artemis,” and I will let you go,” said the tormentor.

Great is the Lord Jesus Christ! - Love answered this. Then she was led to a red-hot furnace, and Oka herself boldly entered it. The flame, escaping from the furnace, scorched the executioners and the emperor himself. The girl came out unharmed. The Emperor ordered Lyubov to be executed immediately.

After the execution of her daughters, Sofia took their bodies and buried them outside the city. She prayed for three days at her daughters’ graves, and then she died and was buried next to her daughters.

IN 1. The Orthodox Church perpetuated the memory of this event. Before you is an icon of the holy martyrs. It shows three girls and their mother. The smallest girl is Lyubov, she is dressed in a long blue dress. The middle girl is Nadezhda, the eldest is Vera. They are also dressed in long dresses. Their mother, Sofia, is standing nearby, with a cape on her head. Their faces are calm, they are not afraid of death. Orthodox people believe thatFaith, Hope, Love and Sofiadied in their bodies so that they could live joyfully in spirit forever. Thus, three girls and their mother showed that for people strengthened by the grace of the Holy Spirit, lack of bodily strength does not in the least serve as an obstacle to the manifestation of spiritual strength and courage. With their holy prayers, may the Lord strengthen us in the Christian faith and in a virtuous life.

2. Poem “Three Sisters” (Boris Lyubimov) (Slide show)

Full of grief, suffering, despair,

The sea of ​​life is stormy waves,

Their splashes are tears and blood!

But to a man in the vale of languor

Wonderful sisters are given in consolation:

Faith Hope Love!

The first in a harsh, sad fate

Comes to people with mighty force,

Full of heavenly light.

And, encouraging the sad souls

Faith brings them cheerfulness with it,

She casts doubts.

In a harsh life, in hopeless melancholy

The second guiding star shines,

This star guides us.

We look forward with bolder hope,

The dark distance is both clearer and lighter,

The burden of adversity is lighter for us.

The third sister is God's breath.

With her, no suffering is scary.

Her temple is our hearts!

It contains compassion, pity, participation,

It contains the beauty of forgiveness and happiness,

The kingdom of love without end!..

AT 2,- Faith, Hope, Love and Sophia are not only common names, but also the purest and most sublime qualities of a person. Let's try to touch them not only with our minds, but also with our souls and hearts.

Vera... (Kondratova A.)

She lives in every person, illuminates the path of life. Faith gives love and hope, makes us wise and saves. To have faith means to trust, to fully believe, to firmly believe.

IN 1 Our ancestors, the Slavs, came to the Orthodox Christian faith more than a thousand years ago. In 988, the Kiev prince Vladimir was baptized, and after him, the people of Kiev were baptized in the waters of the Dnieper. The soul of an Orthodox person believes in one and all-powerful God. Faith fills a person's life with special meaning. She directs life along the path of God's commandments. For a long time, someone who follows the path of life with firm faith has been considered happy. Such a person trusts, believes and believes. Everything goes well with him, it’s easy and reliable to be around him, people are drawn to him. And all because he has a kind heart, a bright mind and a living soul. Faith awakens loyalty in a person. LOYALTY is devotion, reliability, firmness in word and deed. The homeland was saved by the loyalty of its sons and daughters.

Hope…( Sergeeva Oksana)

When starting any business, we hope for its successful completion. Otherwise, why start? Yes, we always need hope - aspiration for a good outcome.

AT 2. An Orthodox person places his firmest hope in God in everything. He hopes that God will enlighten him and protect him, save him and have mercy. Such hope is born during prayer - direct appeal to God.

Sofia… (Berdysheva Nastya)

wisdom, intelligence, knowledge

Mind and reason are priceless human treasures. A bird has wings, a man has a mind. Both a famous scientist and a simple peasant can be wise. They have one thing in common: they both understand that knowledge is the fruit of learning, and wisdom is the fruit of love and truth.

AT 2 The name Sofit is of Greek origin and is translated into Russian as “wisdom”. In some of the oldest Russian cities, the main temples were called St. Sophia. Thus, the first generations of Orthodox people placed themselves under the protection of the Wisdom of God. Such churches still stand to this day, for example, in Kyiv, Novgorod, and Vologda. This is what Sofia means for Orthodox people.

  1. Screening of the film “The Law of God - Virtues: Faith, Hope, Love, Sophia”
  1. Work in groups.


  1. Try to formulate a definition for each word.
  1. group - Vera
  2. group - Nadezhda
  3. group - Love
  4. group – Sofia
  1. To evaluate the answers, the floor is given to the rector of the Intercession Church, Priest Father Sergius.
  1. Summarizing.

Do Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia live in our souls?

They are inseparable. Faith gives strength to Hope. Love makes them happy, and Sophia makes them wise. In the unity of Faith, Hope, Love and Sophia are the sources of all the best that was, is and will be in man. And most importantly, a person should always follow the “Road of Good” in life.

Spanish Song "Road of Good" Annex 1 .

How I want to believe that such feelings as faith, kindness, hope, love, compassion will settle in our souls and become sacred and important in life. And for this you need to love your homeland, do not forget your roots, remember your parents, help them, do not forget your native places, take care of the heritage of your ancestors, preserve the traditions and customs of your people. This is the only way Russia will become great again!

Annex 1.

The road of goodness

Ask strict life,

Which way to go?

Where in the white world

Head out early in the morning?

Follow the Sun

Although this path is unknown,

Go my friend, always go

Dear goodness!

Forget your worries

Ups and downs

Don't whine when fate leads you

Don't act like a sister

And if things go wrong with a friend -

Don't rely on a miracle

Hurry to him, always go

Dear goodness!

Oh, how many different ones there will be

Doubts and temptations

Don't forget that this life is

Not child's play!

Drive away temptations

Learn the unspoken law:

Go my friend, always go

Dear goodness!

Ask strict life,

Which way to go?

Where in the white world

Head out early in the morning?

Follow the Sun

Although this path is unknown,

Go my friend, always go

Dear goodness!

"Faith, Hope, Love and Sofia in Russian families"

1st reader.

As a sign of a creative meeting and as a sign of the prosperity of the school union, please accept the greetings of the Blue Blouse propaganda team!

2nd reader. What are we campaigning for?

3rd reader. For my home school.

4th reader. For the revival of folk traditions.

5th reader. For the holiday of the name, as before, of Love, Faith and Hope.

6th reader.

No less wonderful holiday

We have to celebrate now.

It's not easy to live, it's impossible to live,

Not to love, hope and believe.

1st reader.

The thirtieth day of September -

The holiday of three wonderful names.

Find out their story

It will be interesting for all of us.

Against the background of the sound of spiritual chants, with lit candles, the children read a legend from the “Lives of the Saints”, translated into verse.

2nd reader.

In an ancient old church book,

Where is it written about God and the Saints,

A Life of Hope, Love and Faith

From their birth to death is described.

3rd reader.

In those centuries and years far from us

Emperor Hadrian ruled Rome.

There lived a widow named Sophia,

She greeted everyone with kindness and peace.

4th reader.

The Romans called the woman Sophia the Wise,

She raised three beautiful daughters,

By the names of Christian virtues -

Love, Faith and Hope - called.

5th reader.

She lived with faith in Christ the Savior,

This faith helped her survive.

And through prayer, fasting, righteous life

She gained people's respect.

6th reader.

As my daughters grew up, rumors spread throughout Rome:

“Sofia’s daughters are wise and beautiful!

And by faith they are Christians, not pagans!”

And paganism was in force at that time.

7th reader.

Emperor Hadrian learned about this,

He ordered them to be delivered to his palace,

I wanted to force them to renounce Christ

And leave the beauties at your palace.

1st reader.

Faith, Hope, Love and Sofia with children

They crossed the threshold and appeared before the throne.

The king did not see his head bowed before him,

He restrained his anger - he was

Like everyone else, captivated by beauty.

2nd reader.

“All of Rome worships Artemis the goddess.

It was in vain that your mother instilled faith in Christ from birth!

I promise you luxury, fun, wealth,

It’s not Christ for you - you just need to recognize Artemis!”

3rd reader.

“No, I am the daughter of Christ!” - Nadezhda answered proudly.

“I will never renounce! - Love whispered behind her sister, -

Not with Artemis, no, our Christ, I am with you..."

4th reader.

"Oh! Don't you want anything good?

I will force you! -

Adrian shouted menacingly, banging his staff,

You will renounce under the whip, pitch and rods,

They will torture you without mercy with a hot iron!”

5th reader.

But even under torture the sisters did not betray Christ,

They just prayed that their souls would be taken to heaven.

They died from the swords of the courtiers,

The king sent death from powerlessness, fear and anger.

6th reader.

People still honor Faith, Hope, and Love.

The Russian Church canonizes them as saints.

It's so true that Faith, Love and Hope

They help us live as a bright guiding star.

7th reader.

This is a legend, but its meaning is clearly deep,

Faith, Hope, Love - they will open the world to us.

Look how wonderful these people are

Those who bear such a wonderful name from birth.

1st reader.

And before we congratulate the birthday girls

Happy their wonderful holiday, happy name day,

Let's tell you about famous Russian women,

Glorified in their deeds by their good name.

2nd reader.

Sofia, Sonya, Sophia - this is the name

Worn by a wonderful woman.

Talented, persistent, smart,

She was a mathematician.

3rd reader.

This is Sofya Vasilievna Kovalevskaya, the first female mathematician in Russia.

She was born in Moscow on January 15, 1850. Her father, artillery general Korovin-Krukovsky, gave his daughter an excellent education. The girl was most attracted to mathematics. But women could not receive higher education in Russia at that time; the doors of universities were closed to them. It was possible to get an education and work in this field only abroad, and only a married woman could obtain permission for further education. In September 1868, Sophia entered into a fictitious marriage with an unborn, but honest and considerate neighbor with the same name, Vladimir Onufrievich Kovalevsky, also passionate about science, who later became a famous paleontologist. He wrote to his brother about her: “Despite her 18 years, she works like an ant, from morning to night, and with all this she is alive, sweet and damn pretty... Such happiness has fallen on me, in general it’s a small phenomenon...” In the future they will fall in love each other.

Abroad, in Germany, she was accepted into the university only when in 7 days she solved a selection of the most difficult problems from Professor Weierstrasse, and later the council of the University of Göttingen, having examined three scientific works carried out by Kovalevskaya, awarded her the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in mathematics and master's degree fine sciences "with the highest praise." A Stockholm newspaper called her the "Princess of Science". The Swedes were proud that Sophie Kovalevskaya herself gave lectures at their university, but she herself was very homesick for her homeland and dreamed of studying at a Russian university, but the officials rudely stated that this work had always been done by men and they did not need innovations.

In February 1891, S. V. Kovalevskaya died, leaving behind brilliant works in the field of mathematics, good memory and magnificent poetry. Listen to one of them, which Sofya Vasilievna dedicated to her father.

My friend,

For three whole weeks, every hour,

I wait for you, and I suffer, and I wait in vain,

I’m calling, I’m writing folios, I’m angry,

But in response to me

Neither you nor the letters are there...

Forgetting the cookbook, Master's integrals

And Korkina differentials,

I, weaving rhymes, am furious and every hour

My soul is carried away ten times to Parnassus.

And now I submit to my Muse again

And Minerva is ready to exchange her for her.

The proverb is right, as you can see, even though it’s old,

Which reads: "qiarimera"

Qiarimera - translated from Latin means “Whoever wrote poetry will write.”

4th reader.

The name Lyuba is simply amazing,

It symbolizes love

Great, boundless love.

And those who bear this name,

Forgetting about personal interests,

Ready to give it all

For the sake of happiness for others.

The sad thing is that the name Lyuba is rare among us,

And that means there are no such contemporaries?

But everyone needs love so much,

It contains the meaning of life,

And it should be.

We will tell you about Lyubov now.

She died, it was during the war.

Lyubov Shevtsova, Lyuba, just Lyubka,

She is a hero, we should know about her.

She loved life, her city of Krasnodon.

And when the city was captured by the Nazis,

And salvation has not yet come - our army,

The Young Guard fought the enemy.

5th reader.

In the small mining town of Krasnodon lived a fighting, cheerful girl Lyubka Shevtsova, who was in love with her namesake, the famous actress Lyubov Orlova, and dreamed of the same bright artistic destiny. Lyuba was talented and artistic; it was not for nothing that everyone called her Lyubka the Artist. But the war destroyed the girls’ dreams and plans. In the fall of 1942, she became an underground fighter, a member of the headquarters of the underground Komsomol organization “Young Guard”. And her ability to dance and stand freely on stage was very useful in underground work.

It so happened that in the lives of these young people love, faith and hope came together: true love for the Motherland, sincere faith in the victory of their people, hope for their happy future. It is no coincidence that on the memorial to the fallen Young Guards we read: “... and the dead we will live in a particle of your great happiness: after all, we have invested our lives in it.”

The events of those years are described in A. Fadeev’s novel “The Young Guard”.

We bring to your attention a fragment of the film “Young Guard”, in the role of Lyubov Shevtsova, the wonderful actress Inna Makarova.

6th reader.

And among those who bear the name Vera,

There are many bright and talented women.

And we will tell you about one of those

Whose name, work, talented hands

They brought fame and world success.

The screen shows the screensaver for the films of the Mosfilm studio: the sculpture “Worker and Collective Farm Woman”.

7th reader.

Here is the sculpture “Worker and Collective Farm Woman”, familiar from childhood from the screensavers for the films of the Mosfilm studio. Its author is the wonderful Soviet monumental sculptor Vera Ignatievna Mukhina, the first and, perhaps, the only female sculptor to create sculptures.

Vera Mukhina created the sculpture “Worker and Collective Farm Woman” for the Soviet pavilion at the World Exhibition in Paris, its height is 24 meters, it is made of stainless steel. The sculpture symbolizes the unity and power of the people, as well as the union of city and countryside. Currently, it decorates the trade and exhibition center in Moscow, still causing surprise at its scale and admiring the fact that its author is a woman who believed in her people and worked for their good.

1st reader.

Now the story is about a woman

With the beautiful name Nadezhda,

She is a participant in the war with Napoleon.

Changed it to a hussar's uniform,

She wears the usual women's clothing.

2nd reader.

Cavalry maiden Nadezhda Durova was born in 1783 into the family of a hussar captain. Following her father's regiment, the dashing girl looked at the world from the height of the saddle. In 1801, Nadezhda was married off, and a measured existence as a wife, housewife, and mother awaited her, but, romantic in nature, she longed for achievement.

The entry into the army was prohibited for women.

And then, having changed into a man’s dress, leaving home, Nadezhda Durova joined the Cossack regiment, calling herself Alexander Durov. The soldiers who fought at Friedland, Smolensk, and Borodino became witnesses to her bravery. Nadezhda received several military awards, including George, and was promoted to officer for bravery and bravery.

When the secret was revealed and it turned out that the dashing warrior was a woman, the surprise and admiration of his colleagues knew no bounds. After this, with the personal permission of Emperor Alexander the First, Nadezhda Durova was named Alexander Andreevich Alexandrov and, to maintain incognito, was transferred to the Mariupol Hussar Regiment. Durova had a son, nephews, brothers. The famous Durov dynasty, not military, but the world famous Durov trainers, are the direct descendants of this woman.

We invite you to watch a fragment of the film “The Hussar Ballad”.

An excerpt from the film is shown.

3rd reader.

Celebration of Faith, Love and Hope

The month of September ends the reign.

Who bears these wonderful names,

Whoever is in the hall, please accept our congratulations!

4th reader.

You are the same as those we told you about,

You are smart, strong, brave, kind,

You will have a lot of good things ahead,

And, we believe, you will be able to handle a lot!

5th reader.

And let you have your names

Throughout life they will be a talisman,

Hope, Faith and Love

Let them be in your soul - this is the main thing.

6th reader.

And we will close the meeting with a Russian waltz,

Its melody is in tune with the mood.

May the motherland Russia prosper,

Let's live with hope and faith!

The song “Russian Waltz” by A. Pakhmutova and N. Dobronravov is played, and senior couples dance.

Appendix No. 4 Diagnostic materials


Listen to the questionnaire statements. If you generally agree with the statement, circle the statement number on the form. If your choice is difficult, put it on the number? sign.

  1. I know that my family members are often unhappy with me.

  2. I feel that no matter what I do, it will still be wrong.

  3. I don't have time to do a lot.

  4. It turns out that I am the one to blame for everything that happens in my family.

  5. I often feel helpless (helpless).

  6. At home I often get nervous.

  7. When I'm at home I feel clumsy (clumsy)

  8. Some family members think I'm clueless (clueless)

  9. When I'm at home, I worry about something all the time.

  10. I often feel the critical views of my family members.

  11. I go home and think with anxiety - what else happened at home in my

  1. At home I always have the feeling that there is still a lot to do. 13.I often feel superfluous (superfluous).
14. My situation at home is such that I just give up.

15. At home I constantly have to restrain myself.

16. It seems to me that if I disappeared (disappeared), no one would notice it.

17. You go home, you think that you will do one thing, but you have to do it

completely different.

18.When I think about family matters, I start to worry.

19. Some members of my family feel uncomfortable with me in front of

friends and acquaintances.

20. It often happens: I want to do well, but it turns out that it turned out badly.

21. I don’t like a lot of things in our family, but I try not to show it.
Processing the results.

One circled answer is worth 1 point.

B - guilt, T - anxiety, N - neuropsychic tension, C -

general family anxiety.

D\Z – permissible value

The data from this technique make it possible to determine the dominant style of family relationships determined by the child.

Instructions. Listen to the question carefully. Next to the question number

Just enter the answer number. For some questions you should select

answers indicating mother or father.

Possible answers:

5 - of course not; 4 - rather no than yes; 3 - I don’t know; 2 - more likely yes than no;

1 - of course yes.

Do your parents get angry if you argue with them?

  1. Do your parents often help you with your homework?
3. Who do you consult with more often - your mother or father when necessary?
make any decision?

  1. Do your parents often agree with you that the teacher was unfair to you?

  2. Do your parents often punish you?

  3. Is it true that your parents don’t always understand you and your condition?

  4. Is it true that you participate with your parents in solving economic issues?

  5. Is it true that your family has no common activities and hobbies?

  6. When you ask them to allow you to do something, do your parents often answer that it’s not allowed?
10.Does it happen that your parents insist that you not be friends with

any of your comrades?

11.Who is the head of your family - mother or father?

12.Do your parents laugh at any of your teachers?

13.Do your parents often talk to you in an irritable tone? 14.Do you feel like you have cold, unfriendly relationships in your family?

between parents?

15. Is it true that in your family they don’t help each other much at home?

16. Is it true that your parents don’t discuss the books they read with you?

TV shows and movies watched?

17.Do your parents consider you a capricious child?

18.Do your parents often insist that you act according to their

desires, saying that they know better than you?

19.Which parent do you communicate with most?

20.Do parents often disapprove and do not support activities

organized by the school?

21.Were you punished more severely than other children?

22. Do you often have heart-to-heart conversations with your parents?

personal problems?

23.Is it true that you have no daily household chores? 24. Is it true that your parents don’t go with you to museums, theaters,

exhibitions and concerts?

The degree of expression in family education is studied.

There are 8 factors:

  1. Strictness (flexibility) of educational guidelines (questions 1.9.17)

  2. Fostering independence and initiative (2.10.18)

  1. Dominance of mother, father or equal participation of both parents in upbringing (3,11,19)

  1. Attitude towards school, teachers (4,12,20)

  2. Rigidity (flexibility) of education methods (5,13,21)

  3. Family relationships: unfriendly or warm (6,14,22)

  4. Mutual assistance in the family, presence or absence of common affairs (7,15,23)

  5. Community of interests (8,16,24)
The answers “5” and “of course not” indicate the most positive manifestation of the factor. The maximum sum of points for one factor is 15. Answers “1”, “of course yes,” indicate a pedagogically negative manifestation of the factor. The minimum sum of points for a factor is 3. The maximum sum of points for all factors is 120, the minimum is 24.


Prosperous (high) - 120 -96. Less prosperous - 95 - 72. Satisfactory - 71 - 47. Disadvantaged - 46 - 24.

Scenario for the holiday “Faith, Hope, Love”

O.I. Zdyumaeva – teacher of special disciplines
E.A. Malyshkina - English teacher
branch of GUPS itself in Alatyr
1. Introduce students to the traditions of celebrating summer holidays and universal Indian name days, which are celebrated on September 30.
2. Develop a sense of beauty and spirituality
Equipment: decorated stage (autumn landscape); baskets with apples, nuts, a barrel of honey, angel costumes, multimedia installation.
Venue: Assembly Hall of the ATZhT - chairs are arranged in a semicircle.

Video with the verse “3 candles”
Presenters (boy and girl) appear on stage

IN 1:
Dear guests! We are glad to see you in this hall!
Today is September 30th. In the folk calendar in Rus', this has always been a big autumn women's holiday. It was celebrated on the day of the martyrs Faith, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia.
We invited you to celebrate it together.
Every month of the year is rich in holidays. What did September give us?

Performance of the song “Autumn” - Lyceum group

AT 2:
Summer is over. The summer rescues have died down. Saved from the word Savior. The word saved refers to three summer holidays dedicated to Jesus Christ (the Savior). They are celebrated in August: honey, apple, nut. It is nature that gives us its riches.

Student 1
The first one saved

Only in summer every year
Bees carry honey into the hive.
Golden, fragrant, sweet.
It contains medicines, vitamins
For colds and sore throats.
Do you want to be strong?
So we must love honey

Student 2
The second one saved

The apples are ripe in the garden,
People gathered in the temple
I will come to him today
With ripe fruits
And I will distribute them, like every year,
Never missed a beat
May happiness come to us today!
And Happy Apple Savior to you!

Student 3
The third one saved

Summer rolled by unnoticed
In trouble, and now the Third Savior.
The hot season gave me for this -
Bread, gifts of nature in reserve.

Between the oak groves the hazel tree ripens,
It weighs in clusters of yellow leaves.
Cold August beckons to the forest
He will bestow generous gifts.

(with background music - there is a treat with the gifts of autumn)

IN 1:
Autumn is the harvest of a new harvest, and of course, the holidays associated with it

AT 2:
September is the first month of autumn. People called him Veresen, because... at this time the heather blooms, and also the mountain ash because the rowan ripens

Q1: And this time is also called “Indian Summer.”
This is a time of special light,
Dim sun, gentle heat.
It's called Indian Summer
And in delight he argues with spring itself.
Already sitting on my face carefully
Flying soft web
How the belated birds sing loudly,
How loudly and tenderly the rowan trees burn

Performance of the song “Indian Summer Has Been Noisy” - N. Kadysheva

The blue evening has fallen again,
The wind cries and knocks on the window,
And in the soul, how fast, lonely and dark.
Apparently the Indian summer has died down
The nightingale whistled in the garden,
You left me without an answer
I won't come to you today

Dear wind, don’t cry, don’t,
I just wish I could survive the winter,
I will pass without lowering my gaze,
And I will never be sad.

I'm not expecting any answer
Stupid wind, I won't get lost
It's a pity that Indian summer has died down,
The nightingale whistled in the garden
Chorus -2 times

AT 3:
September 8 is the feast of the holy martyrs Andrian and Natalia. People call this day “Natalia – fescue”. We congratulated all Natalia!!!

AT 2:
September 27 is a big holiday - the Exaltation of the Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord is also a serious date for Christianity.
IN 1:
It was believed that from this day autumn turned to winter. The bear settles into a den, ants clog the entrances and exits. And people begin to chop and pickle cabbage for the winter and stock up.
AT 2:
And in September, one berry ripens, and that bitter one is rowan. Our ancestors decorated the porch and windows with rowan. They squeezed the juice, which has miraculous powers - it preserved the entire supply of vitamins during the winter and helped with colds.
September 30 is the holiday of the martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia.

(Video about the lives of the holy martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia).

It is proposed to invite a priest to this event (to give a short sermon)

Dance of angels with candles – (under the video there is a video with poems and the song “Faith, Hope, Love”)

IN 1:
Name days have quietly entered our lives. What are name days and how do they differ from birthdays?
We are all waiting for Angel Day and do not skimp on congratulations.


Student 1
A person cannot live without faith,
Criteria and measures are collapsing
All the foundations of human existence
We cannot live without our Faith,
There is no one more tender, more intelligent, more beautiful,
With Vera, everything goes smoothly,
Everyone is happy to work with her.
Rowan berries burn in autumn
On the day when Vera has a name day,
Congratulations on her holiday,
Fun, heartfelt, hot!

Student 2
And again the Angels are trumpeting,
To remember three girls:
Nadezhda, Vera and Lyubasha -
We went to death for our faith!
Their names contain the basis of life:
We served our Fatherland with faith!
Life begins in love,
Dreams are associated with hope.
And it’s impossible to live without a dream
It’s difficult for us to live without our Nadia
We love her, respect her,
We consider her the best friend.
Hope fills us again
Hope for the cherished hour.
Since Nadya lives among us
She will bring us happiness!
And we congratulate hope
And on her name day we wish her
To be our earthly compass
And a golden talisman!

Student 3
And again the Angels are trumpeting,
To remember three girls:
Nadezhda, Vera and Lyubasha -
We went to death for our faith!
Their names contain the basis of life:
We served our Fatherland with faith!
Life begins in love,
Dreams are associated with hope.
But still the main thing is Love!
What brings you back to life again
Where is Lyuba - wait for a miracle again
She has such power! And where?
Then the Angel creates a name
Goodness inspires as it beckons,
People are attracted to Lyuba,
And she is sweet and loving to everyone.
So bright is the holiday - name day!
Be our Lyubochka beloved
And guarded by your Angel!

Student 4
All people know that Sophia is wisdom.
Sophia is revered and hearts are opened to her
Without hiding feelings, everything to the end.
Solve other people's problems
Changes scare us -
Sophia needs stability,
So that she is happy.
On her day we wish an angel
So that any issue can be resolved.
So that Sophia with her wisdom
Saved myself and people
So that the Angel protects Sonechka,
He gave her new strength,
And would strengthen Sonya’s spirit,
Saved me from troubles and mental anguish.

Performance of the song “Faith, Hope, Love” - D. Kharatyan
In custody:

In addition to good wishes, I would like to give gifts to our birthday people, those who are patronized by the Holy Martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia, and for whom today, September 30, is a great personal holiday!

ATZhT - branch of SamGUPS

Methodological development
Scenario for the holiday “Faith, Hope, Love”

Alatyr 2014


1.Online resources: [Download the file to view the link], [Download the file to view the link] [Download the file to view the link][Download the file to view the link],

2. Orthodox book “On the Lives of the Holy Martyrs”
3. [Download the file to view the link]