How to learn to be a good father and husband to make your family proud. Ten rules on how to be an ideal husband How to become a worthy father

The birth and upbringing of offspring is the meaning of life, the main task of all living beings on the planet. For people, children become a joy, a source of pride, a living symbol of an eternal connection with a loved one. Fatherhood is one of the most important manifestations of masculinity. Today, the role and tasks of the father in society are undergoing changes and not all men are ready for them.

For hundreds of years, the relationship between fathers and sons remained unchanged. Today, their role is leveled out - sons no longer inherit power, responsibilities, and are not raised as heads of the family. With the passing of patriarchy, many families simply were not offered an adequate model for building new relationships between fathers and sons.

How did it start?

Around 200 years ago, society became more industrialized and fathers were given the responsibility of providing for the family. Since the father could not give birth to a child and breastfeed him, he could only go to work and earn money. This was the beginning of the end of the era when fathers raised their sons.

In recent decades, fathers are rapidly turning from parents into breadwinners, and sons from children into consumers. The status of a father today is measured not only and not so much by how much time he devotes to his children, but by how well he supports his family, how much he has achieved in his professional field, how much he earns, what kind of car he drives. What is it - work for the sake of family or work for the sake of work?

In addition, having found themselves in such a situation, many fathers have relieved themselves of responsibility for raising their children and now a poorly raised child is a child raised by his mother. Fathers are too busy for their children and communication comes down to just a few words over dinner and going somewhere together once a week. Many more important things take up father's time - extracurricular work, computer, TV, hobbies and friends. But not children. Unfortunately, there is not enough time for children.

The reduction of families also plays an important role. If earlier in a large family a boy could receive male attention and education not only from his father, but also from his uncle, cousins ​​or grandfather, today families are limited only to spouses and their children. Thus, boys grow up without fathers and consider this normal. The modern generation is growing up with the confidence that a father’s life is work, and the family must come to terms with this and not expect more participation from him.

Consequences of lack of paternal attention

Life for most boys and for many adult men turns into a search for a model of behavior that was not laid down in childhood by the father. At the moment when a father does not give his son protection, understanding, communication, guidance and support, he dooms him to endless searches that lead his grown sons to crime, make them unable to build a harmonious relationship with a woman, turn them into womanizers, losers, criminals. And all this is a lack of paternal attention in childhood!

Currently, our children have a total lack of attention from their fathers. However, this does not mean at all that it is replaced by the mother’s attention. It is quite natural that in the modern world a mother cannot cope well enough with the roles of both parents.

What can fatherhood give a man?

If for a boy his father’s attention is the key to a full upbringing, then for the father himself it is an opportunity to feel needed, important, and strong. This is a perfect collaboration that makes both parties happy.

Time spent with children becomes an opportunity to return to one's own childhood, a chance to analyze the mistakes of one's father and correct them. Being a good father is the most important and courageous thing a man can do. Not a single job, not a single salary will make a man a good father, but only his participation in the lives of his children, his work invested in his heirs, his time spent with real benefit for the family and all humanity.

“I never wanted to have children. Absolutely. I didn’t have any fears like “what if I can’t become a good father.” I didn't intend to become one. I didn’t want to exchange my cheerful and calm life for a world of diapers and children’s crying. At least that’s how I imagined your fatherhood,” recalls Scott Kelby, author of the book “Fear of Fatherhood.”

In one of the chapters of the book “Fear of Fatherhood,” Scott shares his fears and fears of becoming a father, and how he overcame them. We offer you one of the excerpts from this book - ten tips on how to become a good father.

1. Don't try to be the best dad.

2. As soon as possible, start living the same way you lived before the birth of the child.

With the first child, everyone seems to go crazy. They sit at home for months, wondering “what if something happens to the child on the street.” What could happen to him? This is a child, not a crystal service. Two weeks after giving birth, try to lead your wife and you again to lead the same life as before. Babies are very comfortable traveling. Restaurant, shopping, plane - take your child with you, do not deny yourself what you did before he was born. Once you try it, you will notice that there is nothing wrong with it. Yes, everything is different with a child, but not as much as it usually seems to young parents. It is important to feel like a couple again, because sitting endlessly within four walls can result in a lot of stress.

3. Give mom some private time.

I would be lying if I said that for a baby, dad is as important as mom. Women know better what to do with this tiny creature, and it is much harder for them than for us. This is why it is so important to give your wife as many breaks as possible. She needs personal time, but often she is so absorbed in her new vanity that she may forget to take care of herself. Carry the baby, take her for a walk, send her to visit your mother, or invite your mother to your home. Hire a nanny if your income allows. If she wants to go to the store or to the cinema with her friends, create conditions for this. And she will rest, and you will spend time with the child. Remember when I said that a good father makes a good husband? And a good husband makes sure that his wife does not burn out emotionally from constantly caring for the child.

4. Help rock babies to sleep at night.

It's not the most fun time, but you'll be proud of yourself later. Breastfed babies sometimes confuse day and night, expecting full attention during the hours when adults usually sleep. One day my wife and I were changing our baby’s diaper. 4.00 at night, we are both tired, the child is screaming, we both no longer have the strength to calm him down. And at some point we looked at each other and laughed. It was something like hysterical laughter. While we were laughing, the baby suddenly stopped crying. We put him in a new diaper, put him in his crib and he immediately fell asleep. Would you like to go up to your child several times a night knowing that no one will help you? It’s clear that my wife didn’t want to either. Yes, it's all very difficult, but I said that children are wonderful. I didn't say it was easy.

5. Be gentle with your child

Children need love, but until a certain age they do not understand the meaning of this word. You can say whatever you want instead of the word “love”, even “synchrophasatron”, the baby still won’t see the difference. He understands the language of touching, hugging, kissing. In general, this is how people express their love, but fathers sometimes consider this expression of feelings inappropriate. Forget these stereotypes. A child always needs to feel that he is loved and you have every opportunity for this. This is the kind of child who becomes happy. And he happily runs towards you and jumps into your arms. Expressing love is something you will never regret in the future. You can always pat his hair while walking, hug him tightly before going to school, or kiss him on the forehead. This often says more than words.

6. Treat your child the way you would have liked to have been treated when you were a child.

Think about how you were raised. How did your father express his love for you? Or no matter how he expressed it. How he encouraged or punished. If you had a good father, then you have a great opportunity to continue the good tradition. If you were bad, you can now correct this injustice by being more loving, caring, and involved in your child’s life. This is your chance to show your father and the world what it means to be a real father.

7. Never lay your hand on a child.

The same goes for your wife. There are no excuses for this behavior. If a man hits his child or wife, it is most often a sign of cowardice and dishonesty. Never humiliate him even with a word. Don't call him stupid or an idiot or anything else that will make him doubt how valuable he is to you and how unique he is.

8. Be skeptical of any parenting advice because it's controversial.

There are no universal rules for raising children. Hundreds of books have been written on the topic of raising children and caring for them. In one book you will be advised to take the child in your arms as soon as he cries or screams, in another - that you should not pick him up, let him cry out, in the third - that you should first pick him up and then put him back in his crib. How do you know what to do right? Out of nowhere. You need to figure it out and decide for yourself. Read books, magazines, websites about family and raising children, communicate with other families and choose for yourself which advice will work in your case. Throw away everything that you feel is unnatural. If it doesn't suit you, it certainly won't suit your child.

9. Enjoy and appreciate this time

It will pass very quickly. My son is already seven, but I feel as if he is only two, two and a half at most. Take a day off or a vacation to go with him to a park, a museum, play football with his classmates in the school yard. Believe me, in old age you will not scold yourself with the words: “Oh, how little time I spent at work.” On the contrary, you will say, “How little time I spent with the children!”

I wish I could be a better father than I am now. To know and be able to do a lot, to have the opportunity to spend more time with children and find answers to all their questions, to better understand parenting. Unfortunately, I'm not perfect. And I often make mistakes.

Moreover, I am not alone in my desire. Many men think about how to become a good father to their son or daughter. They just don't know how to do it correctly. There are no definitive step-by-step instructions in this area. But you can listen to the advice, analyze it, let it pass through yourself, and think about the feasibility of using it. At the same time, the criterion for your success as a father will be determined not by the people around you, but by your children. They are the ultimate judge of your behavior and the measure of your effectiveness as a parent.

For my part, I can offer you the following 6 tips that I have learned for myself over the years of fatherhood and which I try to adhere to.

1. Be there for your child

The world is very wide and multifaceted. There is so much mystery and beauty around. However, adults are often immersed in the heap of their problems that accompany life in the modern world, which often does not notice this beauty around them. Just like they don’t notice their child’s need for communication. So the most important advice I can give is to be there for your child.

Put your mobile phone or tablet aside, look away from the TV, and come home from work a little early so you can devote more time to your child. Read books with him, watch cartoons together, take a walk. Be there for him during special and important moments in his life. A football match in a school team, a performance in a theater studio, a sports competition. Don't miss such events and take part in them.

Let him understand that at this moment he is the most important thing in life for you and you are devoting your time only to him. There is nothing better for a child than to feel needed and loved.

2. Keep your word

In the world of adults, a person who does not know how to keep his word is perceived as dispensable, and often causes rejection. I hasten to make you happy. Child psychology perceives such behavior with greater emotional overtones. After all, for them the parent is an authority. And if he does not fulfill his promises, then disappointment and resentment for this manifests itself with increased force. “Fortunately,” the same parental authority and love allow the child to quickly forget about the unworthy behavior of his parents.

However, this is no reason to relax. Make it a rule to always keep your promise to your children. And before you promise anything, better think about your ability to fulfill the request. If in doubt, don't promise. It is better to refuse a child in a gentle form, explaining your refusal, than to give hope and then harshly smash it to smithereens. But if you give your word, keep it.

3. Watch your behavior

The moment you became a father, you had a little fan. Children look up to their parents with adoration. They absorb all your behavior patterns, adopt your manners, and mirror you. They are like sponges, absorbing all the information around them. The realization that a little miracle was looking at me and taking over everything I did made me take my behavior patterns more seriously. How I eat, how I talk to people, how I relax, how I react to troubles, in the end. My children see all this and “wake it up.” How they grow up is up to you. What behavior patterns you put into them also depends entirely on you. The best teacher is your own example.

A significant advantage from realizing this fact is that you yourself begin to develop. I think not every parent wants their child to become mediocre and spend his evenings drinking a bottle of beer in front of the TV. We want a better life for our children. But if this is how we spend our free time and at the same time the child sees all this, then think about whether such behavior will become the norm for him? I think the answer is obvious.

My daughter once noticed that I was forcing her to play sports, while I myself was not in the best shape. The phrase, uttered by a child with his childish spontaneity, caused such a feeling of shame in me that I decided to radically change and improve my form. I have been training in the gym for 2 years now. Yes, sometimes I get lazy and don’t feel like training at all. Melancholy sets in and you want to lie down on the couch one more time. But just the thought that I am an example for my children pushes me to overcome laziness and powerlessness.

Therefore, look at yourself from the outside and remember that the most important viewer in your life is next to you.

4. Talk

Never reject your child's desire to communicate with you. Talk to him, answer questions. You will not gain authority if, for every question your child has, you send him to his mother, grandmother or someone else with the words “I don’t know, I don’t have time, ask...”. Try to discuss the problems and questions that concern him, teach and enlighten him. Naturally, it is necessary to filter the information provided. When asked where children come from, a 7-8 year old child should not start talking about sex, pregnancy and childbirth. If you feel that your offspring is not ready for this kind of revelation, then either gently refuse, or come up with a more or less truthful legend.

Don’t be afraid to tell your son or daughter directly that you don’t know the answer to a question. The little why generates so many different questions that it’s not surprising not to know everything. Invite him/her to find the answer together. This is a very exciting activity. At the same time, improve your knowledge yourself.

I myself began to use this practice when my eldest daughter turned 6 years old. She asked what would happen if all the mosquitoes disappeared. I didn’t know the answer and suggested we look for it together. You should have seen the child’s burning eyes when she and her dad were engaged in a common task. We read several articles on the Internet and found an issue of National Geographic magazine dedicated to this issue. We had a wonderful time. I saw gratitude in my daughter's eyes. I realized that literally simple actions on my part bring enormous returns in my relationship with my child.

5. Love your children's mother

Warm and tender relationships between spouses guarantee a sense of security and safety in the child’s soul. This means that he will grow up calmer and more developed.

Let your child understand that the institution of family is important and that it is always necessary to maintain family relationships.

6. Have fun

Don't be afraid to look funny in front of your children. Have fun, get crazy, do crazy things. Such moments often remain in the child’s memory. Watch the cartoon “Inside Out” (2015) and you will understand everything. This is how it happens. I am often surprised when my daughter remembers events that happened to her in infancy, at the age of 3-4 years.

I hope that my experience and advice will help you become a good father, a better dad for your children. After all, children are an extension of ourselves, our mirror. Develop yourself and develop your children. You will definitely see the return.

1. Show strength of character and tenderness towards your wife

Every woman, regardless of her level of self-confidence, needs a man whom she can rely on, with whom she herself does not have to be the boss. She needs a strong and at the same time gentle husband.

The Bible teaches husbands to treat their wives as “weak vessels.” What is this “frailty”, because women live approximately eight years longer than men, get sick less, and according to statistics, infant mortality is higher among boys than among girls? Women are weaker than men and more vulnerable in the emotional sphere, they are easier to offend and insult, which is why a woman so needs a combination of strength and tenderness from her husband. A man’s tenderness is manifested in caring for his wife, caring for her, and strength is expressed in firmness of character, in a bold look at the future, when a man is not timid in the face of difficulties, but assures his wife: “Rely on me, we will overcome everything, everything will be fine.” " A woman also expects active action from a man in problematic situations; she likes it when he is able to make decisions and bear responsibility for them.

2. Praise your wife constantly

Women are naturally less confident than men. This is partly due to the fact that a modern woman has too many responsibilities: everyday life, children, often full-time work, caring for elderly parents, etc. And since she is emotionally vulnerable, she needs constant words of approval and praise like air.

Almost every wife asks her husband: “Do you love me?” Not only on the eve of the wedding, but after five and ten years of marriage, a woman asks this question not because she suspected her husband of cheating or felt his indifference, but to be convinced of his love again and again. She doesn't need "information" but confirmation.

Men are very annoyed by this question: “Doesn’t the fact that I bring a salary every month, spend every night with her, and have not left her at all, testify to my love for her? I said this on our wedding day! After all, I don’t expect praise from my boss every day, I just try to do my job well. Why do women need this sentimentality? Yes, because they are designed differently! Accept this as a fact and start praising your wife at every opportunity!

You may ask, “Isn’t it hypocritical to admire her actions when I don’t feel what I’m saying?” No, noticing the good in people is not hypocrisy. Over time, you will discover that your feelings match your words and you will completely sincerely admire what your wife does and how she does it.

3. Share areas of responsibility with her.

In the relationship between spouses there should be a distribution of responsibilities. Since you both grew up and were brought up in different families, with different traditions, when you get married, you will encounter unexpected “antics” from each other. For example, in the wife’s family the father always threw out the trash, but in the husband’s family this was the mother’s responsibility. What should a new family do? Often disputes and even scandals arise between spouses over the smallest issues. So agree to create your own “traditions.” It is better for newlyweds to abandon the example of their parents and begin to actively “adapt” to each other, give in and help their spouse, rather than defend their position.

Christian marriage is built on the fundamental principle: “A man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh” (Gen. 2:24). Experience shows that the most difficult thing is to fulfill the first part - “leave father and mother.” Here it is not enough to simply move from your parents’ house to a separate apartment, although this is also important. It is necessary to leave parental models at the emotional level and at the level of comparisons, because the girl wants to see the ideal traits of her father in her chosen one, and the guy wants to see the ideal traits of the mother in his chosen one. Everyone has a tendency to compare their spouses with their parents: “Mom always washed my clothes, but you don’t want to,” “My dad always bought groceries, and you force me to do it,” “Mom fed me soup every morning, and you offer me muesli with milk”, “Dad assembled cabinets and shelves himself, but you don’t know how!”

Many small questions also arise: who will manage the money, decide where to go on vacation, call a plumber, take the children to school, wash the car, do the laundry... In marriage, there is a clash of “incompatible” interests of two different people - how to bring them into line ? The selfish husband declares that he, as the head of the family, has the right to the “last vote” in both large and small matters. But this is the position of an extremely insecure person who, by dominating his wife and children, asserts himself in the role of “head”. In this case, “headship” for him means unconditional submission of family members.

However, the most reasonable solution is to let the person who understands it best have the right to have the “last vote” when resolving any issue.

The husband realizes himself, first of all, in work, and the wife - in creating home comfort. For a wife, the house is her “fortress”; she spends more time in it than her husband (at least during maternity leave), cooks more often, so the kitchen is her “territory”, and a wise husband will listen to his wife’s wishes in home decoration. Choosing the color of the walls, arranging furniture, the number of colors, etc., etc. - leave the decision on these issues to a woman!

4. Don't criticize

A husband who constantly criticizes his wife will cause many negative consequences:

The wife may become depressed.

Negative emotions and stress can cause her various physical illnesses.

She may become angry, withdrawn, or frigid.

Stops respecting himself.

He will begin to pour out his pain and resentment on his children.

Decides to get a divorce.

Constant criticism is always destructive, but there is a positive way in which it is possible to make changes in a relationship. No communication is complete without criticism, but the less criticism there is, the happier the marriage will be. We should not suppress our negative emotions, the main thing is to learn how to express them correctly. Here are two ways to express your dissatisfaction: “I’m tired of eating potatoes and sausages every day! Don’t you have enough imagination?” Or: “Darling, you cook so well, I really like it! As a child, we always ate the same thing and I always dreamed that my wife would often cook different delicious things. I would really like this dream to come true! Could you do this for me?

This way, you will say what you would like to change, but without criticism. A marriage certificate does not give the right to offend a spouse.

5. Remember the importance of “little things”

Men, as a rule, are less sentimental than women, so they do not attach much importance to birthdays, anniversaries of various family events and all sorts of “little things” that can be very important for women.

Many women love pleasant surprises. One woman admitted: “If I remind my husband that our wedding anniversary is approaching, I will not be interested in celebrating this day with him. I’m tired of hinting to him every time that he should do something special for me.”

Love is not only feelings, but also actions, so a husband who forgets about his wedding anniversary commits an “unforgivable” sin! New Year, March 8, birthdays of the wife and children - all these holidays should not be ignored.

To a man this may seem like something insignificant and uninteresting, but a woman will always appreciate it if you pay attention to her new hairstyle, write a love note and leave it by the mirror, invite her to a cafe...

6. Don't ignore your wife's need to be close to you.

Of course, no two people are the same, but in general, a woman wants to be close to a man more often than he wants to be with her. We are not talking here about an immature, jealous wife who does not want to let her husband go anywhere and throws hysterics at him - such a wife needs the help of a psychologist, since her behavior is caused by a feeling of extreme self-doubt.

Some husbands like to spend their free time outside the home with their wives, while others need purely male company from time to time. A husband who values ​​his marital relationship will not neglect his wife's need to be together. If spouses have different hobbies, it is necessary to strive for a compromise. This does not mean that spouses must do absolutely everything together throughout their lives. But you should respect what your spouse needs and compromise. Only an immature person will demand that things always be the way he wants them to be.

7. Do everything in your power to make your wife feel secure.

A sense of reliability is one of the first needs of a woman in marriage, and a caring, gentle, attentive husband can fill it. There are different areas in which women need their husbands to understand. For example, for one woman, a sense of security comes when her husband does minor repairs around the house and helps her rearrange furniture, even if she likes frequent changes. Such care of the husband about the house convinces the wife that she herself is not indifferent to him.

For another woman, this feeling arises if her husband is interested in her daily life. You may not be impressed by the details of her day, but by listening to her stories, you are expressing your love for her and thus increasing her sense of reliability.

Some women collect things, such as magazines, recipes, or houseplants. If your wife feels confident and reliable at the same time, do not criticize her hobby.

Some women put aside small savings. This may seem pointless to you, but it reinforces her sense of security. Feelings may be irrational, but this does not make them any less real or valuable. Therefore, do not interfere with anything that gives your wife a sense of stability, unless, of course, the family budget suffers from it.

8. Treat your wife’s mood swings with understanding and patience.

Mood changes in all people without exception, but in women much more often than in men. This is partly due to her menstrual cycle. Sometimes a wife's behavior may seem inexplicable and reckless to her husband. But you need to realize that frequent mood swings are common to all women. Joyful moments in life can make your wife very happy, while sad moments can make her depressed. You might want everything to be smooth and calm in your marriage, but your wife behaves differently. What to do in such situations? Don't give in to her mood, be balanced. After all, maybe she married you because on a subconscious level she wanted to be as emotionally stable as you. You can become a reliable support for your wife, because you are not subject to the same mood swings as hers. So don't panic when this happens to your wife. Be kind and patient. Don't blame yourself and, on the other hand, don't try to criticize her and urge her to stop acting like a capricious child.

9. Help your wife try to improve your marriage.

As a rule, if women are not satisfied with something in their marriage, they turn to books, psychologists and clergy for help. They want to make positive changes, and this hurts the ego of many men, and they resist such attempts from their wives. Such a husband will most likely refuse to read an article about raising children suggested to him by his wife, as he will perceive it as criticism of himself. But take my advice: read this article! What do you have to lose? You might even learn something!..

The wedding ceremony does not provide the newlyweds with the necessary knowledge for married life. We all need to learn the art of family relationships. Any husband can read a couple of dozen books on this topic, as a result of which he will certainly become more experienced in matters of family life. If your wife asks you to go together to a family conference, seminar, or talk with a psychologist, do not neglect her suggestions. But if, in his stubbornness and pride, the husband rejects any ideas on how to improve the marriage, then let him not be surprised when his wife simply leaves him. So donate your time, don’t be stubborn and build a happy marriage together with your wife. Don't be satisfied with what you have and don't tell her that she expects too much from you.

10. Know her individual needs and make an effort to meet them.

No two wives are alike. The one you married is different from all other women. At first glance, her needs may seem endless or irrational to you, and you will decide that you will never be able to satisfy them all. But it’s worth trying to at least find out what your wife needs, what she wants, what she loves. And then try to satisfy these needs to the best of your ability. This does not mean that you should indulge all her selfish whims, but you must learn to accept and respect even what seems insignificant and illogical. You will see how much happier she becomes if you don't neglect her.

Many young men who are about to experience the joy of fatherhood are panicked by this. However, they cannot give any explanation as to what exactly causes them such horror. For them, children are something that poses a danger to their life and freedom.

According to psychologists, this attitude towards fatherhood in men can be explained by the fear of the unknown, which every normal person has. How to overcome this fear and how to become a good father for your newborn baby?
To do this, first of all, you need to calm down, soberly assess the situation and think about whether the danger is really as great as you think. To make this easier, try following some simple recommendations.

1. Don't focus on being the best dad on the planet.

No matter how strange it may sound, in order to become a good dad, you don’t need to study anything specially anywhere. You don't have to become a professional diaper changer or a diaper changing guru. The baby’s mother can easily cope with this, and the only thing that is required of you is to be a reliable support for her and.

2. Don't become a recluse and continue your normal life.

Some couples who have recently become parents for some reason believe that now they must stay at home all the time, not go anywhere and not communicate with anyone. Sometimes such self-isolation can last up to several years.

They do this completely in vain. Of course, they can be understood, because they fear for the life and health of the child, but the danger is not as great as they think. Just two weeks after the baby is born, you can start taking him with you on all your trips to cafes or shops. Moreover, modern means of transporting children make this process easy and convenient.

3. Help the baby's mother and wake up with her for night feeding.

Of course, at first it will be very difficult to do this. But are you interested in how to become a good father? It is very important for a child to live in a strong and loving family, and this means that you must support your wife in everything. Just imagine how hard it is for her to fuss with the child all day, and then wake up alone at night. If you support her and start waking up together, this will unite your family and strengthen family relationships.

4. Don't be shy about hugging your baby tightly.

As already mentioned, a child should feel love and care towards himself, but no matter how much you tell him how much you love him, this will not give anything at all - the child does not understand words yet! Therefore, he can only find out about your feelings with the help of hugs, kisses, and strokes.

5. Treat your child the way you wanted to be treated as a child.

Take a moment to think about how you were raised by your own father. If you are still confident that he is the best father on the planet, even if he not only spoiled you, but sometimes punished you, just take his experience into account. If you are not sure about this, try to correct what you consider to be an error.

6. Never hit a child.

There is no greater shame for a man than to raise his hand against a child or woman. If you allow yourself this, then about how to become a good father, you may not even dream.

7. Carefully filter the advice that relates to raising a child.

Recently, a huge amount of all kinds of literature has appeared, advising on how to raise a child correctly. In addition, similar information is available on television. Very often such advice contradicts each other, so do not rush to implement them right away. Instead, try to analyze them and discard everything that, at the level of instincts, seems doubtful to you.

8. Enjoy communication with your child, because his childhood will end very quickly.

In the first days when your baby is just born, it will seem to you that his childhood will last forever. However, very soon he will go to kindergarten, school, or college. Before you know it, he'll have his own children. Therefore, learn to appreciate every minute that you can spend with your baby, so as not to reproach yourself in the future for not being able to pay more attention to your child in childhood.

Do everything with love and you can become the best father!